Page 142 - The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin_Neat plip book
P. 142

is   a   competitor’s   ability   to   sleep   at   night .   Even   the   stronges t   Grandma sters
                need their energy to come through in t he h omestretch.

                    In  the  martial  arts  world,  this  theme  is  also  critical.  The  abi lity  to  wait  for
                hours  on  end  without  exploding  with  tension  or  losing  your   edge  is  often  wha t
                separates  the  top  fighters  before  they   step  in  the  ring.  Big  tour nam ent s  inv olve
                a lot of downtime between matches .  Some fight ers keep  them selves in  a state of

                feverish  alertness,  always  poised  for  action  for  fear  thei r  moment  might   come
                and   they   won’t   be   ready.   The   more   seasoned    compet itors   relax,   listen   to
                headphones,  and  nap.  They  don’t  bur n  thr ough  thei r  tanks   before  steppi ng  on
                the mats.

                    This  phenomenon  is  not  unique  to  the     fields  I  hav e  cho sen.  We  do n’t  live
                within  a  Hollywood  screenplay  wher e  the  crescendo   erupt s  jus t  whe n  we  want
                it  to,  and  more  often  than  not  the  climactic  moments  in  our   lives  will  follow
                many  unclimactic,  normal,  humdrum   ho ur s,  day s,  weeks ,  or  years.  So  ho w  do

                we step up when our moment suddenly arises?
                    My  answer  is  to  redefine  the  question.  Not  onl y  do  we  hav e  to  be  go od  at
                waiting,  we  have  to  love  it.  Becaus e  waiting  is  not  waiting,  it  is  life.  Too  many
                of  us  live  without  fully  engaging   our   minds ,  waiting   for  that   moment   whe n

                our  real  lives  begin.  Years  pass  in  bo redom,  but   that   is  okay   becau se  whe n  our
                true   love   comes   around,   or   we   di scover   our    real   calling,   we   will   be gi n.   Of
                course  the  sad  truth  is  that  if  we  are  not  pr esent  to  the  moment,  our   true   love
                could   come   and   go   and   we   woul dn’t   even   notice.   And   we   will   have   be come

                someone  other  than  the  you  or  I  who  would  be  able  to  embrace  it.  I  bel ieve  an
                appreciation  for  simplicity,  the  everyday —t he     ability  to  dive  deepl y  int o  the
                banal  and  discover  life’s  hidden  richnes s—i s  wher e  succes s,  let  alone   ha ppi ne ss,


                Along    these   lines,   when   considering   the   issue   of   performance   state,   it   is

                important    to   avoid   focusing   on   tho se   rare   climactic   moments   of   hi gh- stake s
                competitive  mayhem.       If  you  get  into  a  frenzy  ant icipating   the   moment   tha t
                will  decide  your  destiny,   then  when   it  arrives  you   will  be   overwrought   with
                excitement  and  tension.  To  have  succes s  in  crunch   time,  you  need   to  int egr ate

                certain  healthy  patterns  into  your   day-to-day   life  so  that   they   are  compl etely
                natural  to  you  when  the  pressure  is  on.  The  real  po wer  of  incr ement al  gr owth
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