Page 140 - The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin_Neat plip book
P. 140

you  how  liberating  it  is  to  know  that   relaxation  is  jus t  a  blink  away  from  ful l
                awareness.    Besides   adding   to   your   ps ychologi cal   and   phy sical   resilienc e,   thi s

                opens  up  some  wonderful  and  surpr ising  new   po ssibi lities.  Fo r  one   thi ng,  no w
                that your conscious mind is free to take little breaks ,  you’ ll be  delight ed  by  the
                surges  of  creativity  that  will  emerge  out   of  your   unco ns cious .   You’ ll  be come
                more  attuned  to  your  intuition  and  will  slowly  beco me  more  and  more  true   to

                yourself   stylistically.   The   unconscious    mind   is   a   powerful    tool,   and   learni ng
                how to relax under pressure is a key         st step to tappi ng i nt o its po tent ial.
                    Interval   work   is   a   critical   building   block   to   becoming   a   cons istent    long-
                term  performer.    If  you  spend  a  few  mont hs   pr acticing   stress  and   recovery  in

                your   everyday    life,   you’ll   lay   the   phy siologi cal   foundat ion   for   be coming   a
                resilient,  dependable  pressure  player.  The  nex t  step  is  to  create  your   trigge r  for
                the zone.
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