Page 95 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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TRACK 4                      Technical Program

        4:24pm                                                  4:30pm
        Vehicle Pose Estimation and SONAR Sensor Based Mapping  Structural Damage Detection Using Slopes of Longitudinal Vibration
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-52427            Shapes
                                                                Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53337
        Hesham Ismail, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States,
        Balakumar Balachandran, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United   Wei Xu, Hohai University, Nanjing, China, Weidong Zhu, Scott Smith, Univer-
        States                                                  sity of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States

        4:42pm                                                  4:45pm
        Robust Anti-Swing Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for Tower Crane Sys-  Computational and Experimental Stress Analysis of a Small Wind Turbine
        tems with Both Dead-Zone Band and Time-Delays Uncertainties  Blade
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-51733            Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53485

        Tzu Sung Wu, Mansour Karkoub, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Doha, Qa-  Jagadeesh Hugar,  Sandip Kale, Trinity College of Engineering and Re-
        tar                                                     search, Pune, Pune, India

        4-7                                                     4-8
        4-7-2                                                   FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION II
        DISTRIBUTED STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS II                       362D  3:30pm–5:00pm

        370A  3:30pm–5:00pm                                     Session Chair: Marco Amabili, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
                                                                Session Co-Chair: Kostas Karazis, Areva, Lynchburg, VA, United States, Far-
                                                                bod Alijani, University of Parma, Parma, Italy, Dennis Gottuso, AREVA, For-
        Session Chair: C. Steve Suh, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Unit-
        ed States                                               est, VA, United States
        Session Co-Chair: Weidong Zhu, University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
        Baltimore, MD, United States                            3:30pm
                                                                Investigation of the Blade Tip Clearance Effects on Performance and Sta-
        3:30pm                                                  bility of a Mixed-Flow Pump: High-Speed Video Recordings of the Flow
        Smart Power Grid Synchronization with Nonlinear Estimation  Structures, Local Measurements, and Numerical Simulation
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50335            Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50398

        Hossein Darvish, Xin Wang, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Ed-  Alberto Serena, Lars E. Bakken, Norwegian University of Science and Tech-
        wardsville, IL, United States                           nology, Trondheim, Norway
        3:45pm                                                  3:48pm
        Dynamic Parameters Identification of Structural Laminated Glass  Dynamic Amplification Factors for Rigid and Flexible Piping Systems Due
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50867            to Steam Hammer Transient Loads
                                                                Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-51426
        Francesco Clementi, Laura Consolini, Stefano Lenci, Polytechnic Universi-
        ty of Marche, Ancona, Marche, Italy                     Anestis Papadopoulos, Mohamed ismail, Ahmed Bayoumy, Power Gener-
                                                                ation Engineering and Services Company, Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt
        4:00pm                                                  4:06pm
        Fast Bayesian Inference on Optimal Wavelet Parameters for Bearing Fault
        Diagnosis                                               Vortex Shedding Control Using a Permeable Plate Located around the
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-51394            Separation Point of a Circular Cylinder
                                                                Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-51794
        Qiang Miao, Dong Wang, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
                                                                Gokturk Memduh Ozkan, Huseyin Akilli, Cukurova University, Adana, Tur-
        High-Sensitivity Damage Detection with Vibration Mode Shape Tuning   4:24pm
        through the Optimal Design of Piezoelectric Actuators
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-51719            Forecasting Subcritical and Supercritical Flutter Using Gust Responses
                                                                Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53105
        Shengjie Zhao, Nan Wu, Yukun Cheng, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
        MB, Canada                                              Amin Ghadami, Bogdan I. Epureanu, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann
                                                                Arbor, MI, United States

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