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Nondestructive Examination –                                            Failure Prevention, Repair and
                                               Applying ASME Code Requirements                                         Life Extension of Piping, Vessels
                                               (Section V)                                                             and Tanks

                                               PD389 ASME Standards Course                                             PD077 ASME Standards Course

BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS � PUBLIC COURSES  This three-day course is designed for individuals who require an        Purchasing, fabricating, maintaining and repairing equipment at the
                                               understanding of the principles, techniques and applications of the     lowest possible cost while assuring non-failure are always a priority. The
                                               key Nondestructive Examination (NDE) methods. This program uses         causes of damage and failure of piping, vessels and tanks are described
                                               PowerPoint to present the principles of Nondestructive Examination      throughout the course as well as how to prevent these incidents. The
                                               enhanced with practical applications that will provide a basic          risk-based inspection planning process and inspection techniques for
                                               comprehensive knowledge of the major methods.                           operating equipment are also reviewed.
                                               Emphasis is placed on basic procedures, techniques, applications,
                                               advantages and limitations as related to the ASME Boiler & Pressure     Practical case studies and course material are used to illustrate how
                                               Vessel Code, Section V for each method. Examples of NDE devices         the ASME Post-Construction and Fitness-for-Service codes should be
                                               supplement classroom lectures to help participants gain a better        applied to evaluate inspection results and understand the technical
                                               understanding of the general theory, uses and variables of the methods  basis and techniques for making run-or-repair decisions to prevent
                                               presented.                                                              failures of degraded equipment. Participants are taught how to select
                                                                                                                       the cost-effective and technically valid repair options, as well as their
                                               Participants will receive The Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation,    implementation (including design of the repair, field construction,
                                               2nd Edition, by Charles J. Hellier.                                     examination as well as pressure or leak testing).

                                               You Will Learn To                                                       Participants will receive the textbook, Fitness for Service & Integrity of
                                               • Describe the applications of the basic NDE methods and the various    Piping Vessels and Tanks by George Antaki, and the codebook, PCC-2
                                                                                                                       Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping.
                                                  materials to be examined
                                               • Explain the principles, procedures, evaluation, reporting and ASME    You Will Learn To
                                                                                                                       • Detect types and causes of failures
                                                  Code requirements of the basic NDE methods                           • Identify the differences between design code margins and fitness-for-
                                               • Identify the techniques of the visual, penetrant, magnetic particle,
                                                                                                                          service margins
                                                  radiographic, ultrasonic, and eddy current testing methods           • Make run-or-repair fitness-for-service decisions
                                                                                                                       • Explain the requirements of post-construction codes
                                               Who Should Attend                                                       • Explain how to make the right decision on equipment life extension
                                               Design, structural, maintenance and materials engineers, and            • Analyze financial and technical considerations before you repair or
                                               management, supervisors, regulators, auditors and project managers
                                                                                                                          replace equipment
                                               Instructor Larry Mullins                                                • Review repair options & techniques in accordance with ASME PCC-2
                                               3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                               Member $2,255 / List Price $2,355                                       Who Should Attend
                                                                                                                       Operators, manufacturers, design engineers, maintenance engineers
                                               ASME Books of Interest                                                  and inspectors involved in repair of alterations of pressure vessels,
                                                                                                                       boilers, piping and tanks
                                                                    Continuing and Changing Priorities of the
                                                                    ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes              Instructors George Antaki
                                                                    and Standards                                      3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                                                                                       Member $2,255 / List Price $2,355
                                                                      K. R. Rao, Editor
                                                                                                                       ASME Books of Interest
                                                                      800 pp ISBN 9780791860199
                                                                      Print Book Member $207 / List Price $259                              Global Applications of the ASME Boiler &
                                                                      Order Number: 860199                                                  Pressure Vessel Code

                                                                    Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and                                     K. R. Rao, Editor
                                                                    Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes, Fourth
                                                                    Edition-Volumes 1 & 2                                                      600 pp ISBN 9780791861073
                                                                                                                                               Print Book Member $207 / List Price $259
                                                                      K. R. Rao                                                                Order Number: 861073

                                                                      1,800 pp ISBN 9780791859889                      GET MORE INFORMATION AT ASME.ORG
                                                                      Print Book Member $479 / List Price $599
                                                                      Order Number: 859889

                                               GET MORE INFORMATION AT ASME.ORG

1616 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763
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