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Bases and Application of Design Design by Analysis Requirements in ASME
Requirements for High Pressure Vessels in Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section
ASME Code Section VIII, Division 3 VIII, Division 2 – Alternative Rules
MC127 MasterClass Series / ASME Standards Course / Top Seller MC121 MasterClass Series / ASME Standards Course / Top Seller BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS � MASTERCLASS SERIES
This two-day MasterClass provides an overview of the design This MasterClass provides an understanding of the analytical methods
methodology and philosophy of ASME Section VIII, Division 3, Alternative found in Part 5 of Section VIII, Division 2 as well as to convey practical
Rules for High Pressure Vessels, which incorporates an overview of the information on how to meet the requirements using Finite Element
analysis methods used, including the application of FEA, to meet the Analysis (FEA). Discussion on the background of the analysis methods
requirements of the Code. and their application is presented through the ASME Pressure
Technology Bulletins, PTB-1-2013 Section VIII - Division 2 Criteria and
Examples of practical applications for many of the techniques are Commentary and PTB-3-2013 Section VIII - Division 2 Example Problem
discussed to demonstrate the philosophy of the Code criteria. This Manual.
includes an overview of the problems presented in ASME PTB-5-
2013 and the ASME Section VIII, Division 3 Example Problem Manual. Attendees will gain an appreciation and understanding of how these
Detailed scenarios are examined to illustrate how the analytical analytical techniques can be applied to practical design situations. The
techniques are applied, and their respective limitations. An overview class includes detailed example problems that demonstrate how the
of key elements of the materials, fabrication sections, along with a analytical techniques are to be applied, and their limitations. Detailed
review of special construction techniques and an overview of fatigue FEA models are presented to help illustrate the various analytical
calculations and life assessment are also included in the discussion. techniques.
You Will Learn To You Will Learn To
• Identify the probable causes of piping vibration • Define the basis and application of the design by analysis techniques
• Determine if vibration is likely to be excessive
• Recommend methods to correct the problem if the vibration to ensure proper vessel design
• Apply the design by analysis techniques to the evaluation of
is excessive
in–service components through the Life-Cycle Management
Who Should Attend • Process and the relationship to API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Level 3
Engineers, senior designers, maintenance, quality assurance, inspection
and manufacturing personnel who work with process piping (e.g., in the Assessments
chemical, petroleum, plastic processing, pulp and paper fields) • Evaluate the basis of design by analysis techniques and how they
Special Requirements compare with other International Pressure Vessel Codes, EN 13445
This Master Class is structured on the assumption that participants have and PD 5500
a basic understanding of at least one of the ASME B31 piping codes.
Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly Who Should Attend
challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion. Pressure vessels engineers working for owner-users, manufacturers or
engineering and design construction firms in the refining, petrochemical
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs and other comparable industries that desire a practical understanding
of one of the major areas of the new Division 2 of ASME Boiler and
Daniel T. Peters, PE, is an internationally
recognized expert in the design and analysis Special Requirements
of pressure equipment and pressure vessels, Attendees will be sent material via email, which they must review prior
specializing in high-pressure equipment. He is to the course. Attendees are encouraged to discuss actual scenarios
currently an Associate with Structural Integrity encountered as part of a class discussion. This MasterClass is structured
Associates, Inc. and works in the area of pressure on the assumption that participants have a basic understanding of ASME
vessel and piping design, analysis, fitness for Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 2 and FEA.
service and asset management. He is a past
Chair of the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping 2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Division’s High Pressure Technology Committee
and the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division. He MASTERCLASS Instructor
has authored or coauthored several papers in this David Osage, PE, CSQE, CQA, President & CEO
area. of Equity Engineering Group, and Principal Author
of ASME BPV Code Section VIII Division 2. David
is internationally recognized for his expertise in
the design of new equipment and as an industry
expert and leader in the development and use
of FFS technology. He received a Certificate of
Acclamation from ASME for his work on the new
ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII Division 2.
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