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Fracture Mechanics and Other Methods                                        Design-by-Rule (DBR) Methods of ASME
for Fatigue and Fracture Analysis of                                        Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section
Pressure Equipment                                                          VIII, Division 2

MC150 MasterClass Series / ASME Standards Course NEW!                       MC151 MasterClass Series / ASME Standards Course NEW!

This two-day MasterClass provides practical methodology for fracture        This two-day MasterClass provides practical knowledge and an in-depth     BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS � MASTERCLASS SERIES
mechanics analysis of pressure equipment for determining integrity          examination of the Design-by-Rule methods found in Part 4 of the
in the presence of a known flaw that has been identified during             ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII, Division 2 (ASME VIII-2) and presents an
an inspection. Application of fracture mechanics to determine the           overview of the general layout of VIII-2, how to employ Code Case 2695
remaining fatigue life of a component will be discussed in depth, as        and the Common Rule effort to incorporate Class 1 and Class 2 vessels
well as use of fracture mechanics to determine the design fatigue life      governed by this Code.
of pressurized components for new construction of pressure vessels
fabricated to ASME Section VIII, Division 3 requirements.                   The focus of the discussions concerns the design methods of Part 4,
                                                                            including Design Loads and Load Case Combinations, Design Rules
This is not a course in the theory of fracture, but focuses on its          for Welded Joints, Design Rules for Shells Under Internal Pressure, and
practical applications. This class will provide detailed instruction on     Design Rules for Openings in Shells and Heads. Other topics within Part
the application of fracture mechanics and, to a more limited extent,        4 that are referenced include the Design Rules for Noncircular Vessels,
other methods so that attendees will be able to select the appropriate      Supports and Attachments and Flanged Joints. The class evaluates the
technique for each situation.                                               background and procedures described in Part 3 that explain how to
                                                                            calculate the MDMT; and in Part 7, to determine the Examination Group
The technical basis for this MasterClass is API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Fitness-  and appropriate Nondestructive Examination (NDE) requirements.
For-Service and ASME Section VIII, Division 3, Alternative Rules for
Construction of High Pressure Vessels.                                      You Will Learn To
                                                                            • Navigate efficiently through the Parts of ASME VIII–2
You Will Learn To                                                           • Identify the circumstances under which the application of the Design-
• Identify the best method to determine the fatigue life of cyclically
                                                                               by-Rule methods of ASME VIII-2 affords beneficial cost savings to the
   pressurized components                                                      pressure vessel design
• Perform a fatigue analysis in accordance with the appropriate Codes       • Explain the difference in philosophy regarding material toughness
                                                                               requirements and the nondestructive examination requirements of
   and Standards                                                               ASME VIII–1 and ASME VIII–2
• Perform a linear-elastic fracture mechanics analysis in accordance
                                                                            Who Should Attend
   with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and ASME Section VIII, Division 3 to           Pressure vessel engineers working for Owner-Users, manufacturers or
   determine crack stability and remaining life for in-service equipment    engineering and design construction firms in the refining, petrochemical
   with a crack-like flaw or for new construction                           and other comparable industries that desire a practical understanding of
                                                                            ASME VIII-2.
Who Should Attend
Engineers working for Pressure Vessel Manufacturers, Owner/User and         Special Requirements
EPC firms who design, specify, procure or are responsible for inspecting,   This Master Class is structured on the assumption that participants have
maintaining or repairing pressure equipment in cyclic service               a basic understanding of ASME B&PV Code Section VIII, Division 2.
                                                                            Attendees are encouraged to discuss actual scenarios encountered as
Special Requirements                                                        part of a class discussion.
This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants have a
basic understanding of fracture mechanics and API 579-1/ASME FFS-1.

2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                                                   2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs

MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                                                      MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR
J. Robert (Bob) Sims is an internationally                                  James C. Sowinski, PE, Consulting Engineer
recognized authority in risk-based technologies                             for Equity Engineering Group has 25 years’
for optimizing inspection and maintenance                                   experience in the refining and petrochemical
decisions, design and analysis of high pressure                             industries, and is recognized for his expertise in
equipment, including those used for oil and gas                             the use of Fitness-For-Service (FFS) technology.
exploration and production. An ASME Fellow                                  Currently the Vice-Chair of ASME BPV VIII
and member of the Industry Advisory Board, Bob                              Subgroup on Design and a member of various
served as ASME President from 2014-2015 and in                              Code committees, James was involved in the
many other leadership positions, including Board                            development of the 2007 ASME B&PV Code,
of Governors member, SVP for Standards and                                  Section VIII, Division 2 Pressure Vessel Code.
Certification, VP for the Council on Codes and
Standards and chair of the Board on Pressure
Technology. Prior to joining Becht Engineering
in 1998, he worked for more than thirty years at
Exxon (now ExxonMobil.)

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