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BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS � MASTERCLASS SERIES  Materials and Design for High                                                Fatigue Analysis Requirements in ASME
                                                   Temperatures                                                                 BPV Code Section VIII,
                                                                                                                                Division 2 – Alternative Rules
                                                   MC112 MasterClass Series / ASME Standards Course
                                                                                                                                MC123 MasterClass Series / ASME Standards Course / Top Seller
                                                   This two-day MasterClass provides insight into important aspects of          NEW!
                                                   performance of materials and its relation to design and residual life
                                                   assessments of components.                                                   The focus of the one-day MasterClass is to provide an understanding
                                                                                                                                of the fatigue methods found in Part 5 of ASME Section VIII, Division 2
                                                   Presented in two parts, the class will address two main topics: “Structural  as well as to convey practical information on how to perform analysis
                                                   Materials and Damage in Elevated and High Temperature Applications”          including the use of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Discussion on the
                                                   on day one, and “Design and Lifetime Assessments of Components               background of the analysis methods and their application are presented
                                                   Exposed to High Temperatures” on day two.                                    through the ASME Pressure Technology Bulletins, “PTB-1-2013 Section
                                                                                                                                VIII - Division 2 Criteria and Commentary” and “PTB-3-2013 Section VIII -
                                                   Materials and material qualities which can be used at higher                 Division 2 Example Problem Manual.”
                                                   temperatures is discussed in detail, as well as damage development
                                                   under creep and fatigue loading (crack initiation and crack propagation).    Attendees gain an appreciation of how these analytical techniques can
                                                   Consideration of high temperature design rules and code related              be applied to practical design situations. The class includes detailed
                                                   aspects of high temperature design will be discussed with practical          example problems that demonstrate how the analytical techniques are to
                                                   examples.                                                                    be applied, and their limitations. The fatigue analysis approaches using
                                                                                                                                smooth bar and welded joint technology using the new structural stress
                                                   You Will Learn To                                                            approach are covered in detail, including case histories to highlight the
                                                   • Use high temperature materials data for design (time dependent             application to common Industry problems. Detailed FEA models will be
                                                                                                                                presented to help illustrate the various analytical techniques.
                                                      allowable stresses)
                                                   • Identify damage occurring at elevated and high temperatures                You Will Learn To
                                                   • Assess damage evolution under creep, fatigue and its interactions          • Explain the fundamentals of fatigue and the implementation of fatigue
                                                   • Design for high temperature service and creep-fatigue interactions
                                                                                                                                   design methods in ASME Section VIII, Division 2
                                                   Who Should Attend                                                            • Evaluate the technical basis for smooth bar and welded fatigue
                                                   Design engineers, materials engineers, fabrication, installation and
                                                   construction engineers, consultants and authorities for boiler, piping,         methodologies
                                                   turbomachinery and advanced nuclear plants. The course addresses             • Apply the fatigue analysis techniques for practical Industry problems
                                                   individuals with an intermediate knowledge level on materials and
                                                   strength of materials being interested in a general understanding of         Who Should Attend
                                                   high temperature materials properties and design for high temperature        Pressure vessels engineers working for owner-users, manufacturers or
                                                   service.                                                                     engineering and design construction firms in the refining, petrochemical
                                                                                                                                and other comparable industries who desire a practical understanding
                                                   Special Requirements                                                         of one of the major areas of the new Division 2 of ASME Boiler and
                                                   This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants have      Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII
                                                   a basic understanding of structural materials, strength of metals and
                                                   alloys, classification of loads and determination of stresses and stress     Special Requirements
                                                   allowables. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly    This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants have
                                                   challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.           a basic understanding of ASME B&PV Code Section VIII, Division 2, and
                                                                                                                                fatigue concepts.

                                                   2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                                                    Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly
                                                                                                                                challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.

                                                                                                                                1 Day, 0.8 CEUs, 8 PDHs

                                                   MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                                                       MASTERCLASS Instructor
                                                   Wolfgang Hoffelner, Managing Director, RWH                                    David Osage, PE, CSQE, CQA, President & CEO
                                                   Consulting LLC and Committee Member, ASME                                    of Equity Engineering Group, and Principal Author
                                                   Code Section VIII. Wolfgang is a recognized                                  of ASME BPV Code Section VIII Division 2. David
                                                   expert and senior lecturer for high temperature                              is internationally recognized for his expertise in
                                                   materials at the Swiss Federal Institute of                                  the design of new equipment and as an industry
                                                   Technology (since 1986). He has published a book                             expert and leader in the development and use
                                                   on Materials for Nuclear Plants and more than                                of FFS technology. He received a Certificate of
                                                   150 papers in scientific and technical books and                             Acclamation from ASME for his work on the new
                                                   journals. He is a contributing member to various                             ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII Division 2.
                                                   ASME Code committees, including ASME Section
                                                   III, Construction of Nuclear Power Plants.

20 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763
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