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Design of Bolted Flange Joints                                               The Bolted Joint

PD386                                                                        Online Instructor-Supported Course EL512

Providing a fundamental understanding of the design and behavior of          Although bolted joints comprise a large percentage of all industrial
bolted flange joints – essential components for pressure containment –       fasteners, their role in the installation and assembly process is
this course covers the latest findings from the Pressure Vessel Research     poorly understood. This course provides an overview of bolted joint
Council on gasketed flange joints. It also outlines new design rules         fundamentals, whether gasketed or not, including behavior and
being developed for the ASME codes.                                          troubleshooting. It takes a detailed look at the latest developments in
                                                                             gasketed joint assembly, torque factors, bolting patterns, and gasket
Participants will receive the textbook, Gaskets and Gasketed Joints, by      behavior, tightness, selection and specification.
John H. Bickford.
                                                                             You Will Learn To
You Will Learn To                                                            • Calculate forces in bolted joints and establish specific torque
• Explain ASME requirements and methodology for flange design                • Explain how to increase functional life of a joint and analyze joints and
• Design and analyze flange joints for pressure and external
                                                                                failure mechanisms
   loads in accordance with the latest ASME Codes and Standards              • Explain how to reduce fastener-related warranty and rework costs
• Identification of parameters that can affect flange leakage                • Identify failure mechanisms such as pre-load loss, fatigue, and self-
• Fundamentals of flange and gasket behavior
                                                                                loosening; and the means to avoid them

Who Should Attend                                                            Required Reading                                                             BOLTI NG � E LE ARN I NG COURSES
Engineers involved in the design, construction or maintenance of             Bickford, John H. (1997) An Introduction to Design and Behavior of
pressurized equipment utilizing flanged joints for the petroleum, refining,  Bolted Joints, 3rd Edition. New York: CRC Press; or Bickford,
chemical, power and process industries                                       John H. & Payne, James R. (2007). Introduction to the Design and
                                                                             Behavior of Bolted Joints: Non-Gasketed Joints, 4th Edition, Volume 1.
Instructor Pat Cooper                                                        New York: CRC Press
1 Day, 0.8 CEUs, 8 PDHs
Member $875/ List Price $975                                                 22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                                             Member $595 / List Price: $695
Save up to $1,440 by enrolling in PD601, a triple combination course
consisting of this course (PD386), PD539 “Bolted Joints and Gasket           Also available as a two-day Public Course: PD539, “Bolted Joints and
Behavior” and PD577 “Bolted Joint Assembly Principles Per PCC-1 -            Gasket Behavior” (see page 24)

                                                                             For more information, visit:



                                                                             Bolting Specialist
                                                                             Qualification Program

                                                                             Participate in this online and hands-on training program for individuals
                                                                             involved in the assembly, disassembly or quality assurance of bolted

                                                                             See next page for details.

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