Page 29 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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Customized                                            THE ASME ADVANTAGE
training delivered
to your company’s                                    • Comprehensive Course Offerings in Multiple
site anywhere in                                       Learning Formats
the world
                                                     —Expansive selection offers best practices in
ASME Corporate Training Programs deliver               mechanical engineering and engineering
training in a variety of learning formats,             management
specifically designed to meet corporate
training and development needs.                      —In-Company Live Training and eLearning formats
                                                       accommodate budgets, schedules and business
From In-Company group training held on-site            requirements – and provides CEUs and PDHs
at company’s location to eLearning programs
that can be accessed online to suit individual       • Professional Instruction by Industry Experts
employee’s schedules, ASME workforce                 —ASME-approved, eminently qualified faculty
learning solutions conveniently and cost-            —Most code courses taught by ASME Code
effectively address your company’s training
issues and challenges.                                 Committee members who understand and
                                                       communicate code or standard relevance and
For more information, contact                          their impact on safety, quality and integrity
Patrick Taft, ASME In-Company Training Manager       —Leadership and management courses delivered                                         by industry-experienced professionals
                                                     • Unsurpassed Leadership in Curricula
                Scan with a smart device or            Development
                type in any browser:
                                                     —All ASME courses subjected to rigorous peer
                      review to ensure accuracy, comprehensiveness
                                                       and relevance
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
                                                     —More than 50 years’ experience creating,
                                                       producing and delivering training programs

                                                     —ASME Learning & Development recognized as
                                                       an Accredited Provider of Continuing Education
                                                       and Training by IACET, complying with the
                                                       ANSI/IACET Standard

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