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DESIGN AND MATERALS � ELEARNING COURSES FE Review Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
Online Self-Study Course EL537
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL507 TOP SELLER
This self-study course is designed to be taken at your convenience, and
on your own schedule. You have 90 days to finish the course from the Originally developed for aerospace structural analysis, finite element
time of purchase. analysis (FEA) is now a convenient and speedy tool for approximation
of the solution to a wide variety of complicated engineering problems
This online FE Exam Review (EIT) course contains twelve review modules across a wide range of industries. This online course explains how FEA
covering the following topics: can produce accurate, reliable approximate solutions, at a small fraction
• Thermodynamics of the cost of more rigorous, closed-form analyses. It is estimated that
• Fluid Mechanics the course will require approximately 24 hours of work on the part of the
• Computers participant, over the duration of the six-week course.
• Statics
• Dynamics You Will Learn To
• Strength of Material • Provide examples to conduct a successful finite element analysis
• Mathematics • Explain the concepts used to make accurate approximations
• Chemistry • Use finite element software
• Material Science
• Ethics 22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
• Electric Circuits Member $595 / List Price $695
• Economics
Advanced Finite Element Analysis
Each module consists of a corresponding quiz that will help you to
prepare for the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) Exam. Participants Online Instructor-Supported Course EL508 TOP SELLER
should also download from the NCEEES website a PDF copy of the
NCEES FE Reference Handbook, which is the only reference material Based on practical application of Abaqus software, this course builds
that can be used during the exam. on the introductory level course to provide a fuller appreciation of how
Abaqus works as well as finite element analysis in general. Presented
10 PDHs in six modules, the course emphasizes the various aspects of structural
Member $195 / List Price $295 analysis. The topics covered can also be abstracted to provide a useful
guide for use of FEA for non-structural applications.
Lean Manufacturing
You Will Learn To
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL525 • Identify command-line input for Abaqus
• Describe structural dynamics, modal and harmonic response analyses
This online instructor-supported course is directed at engineers who • Identify Structural Dynamics II, featuring transient dynamic analysis
either work in environments where Lean principles are used or are • Explain nonlinear structural analyses
being introduced. The purpose of the course is to provide an overview • Demonstrate design optimization in Abaqus
of all the principles of Lean Manufacturing. It covers all the principles
that raise productivity by eliminating waste from processes – causing a Prerequisites
dramatic impact on quality, cycle time, employee morale and customer Knowledge of basic FEA principles and a familiarity with ANSYS
22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
You Will Learn To Member $595 / List Price $695
• Explain functional Concepts: Value, Waste and Pull Production
• Describe Value Stream Mapping and Identifying Problems (Waste) Advanced Geometric Dimensioning
• Explain how to Shorten Production Flow by Eliminating Waste and Tolerancing (GD&T) Y14.5
• Describe the process of Continuous Improvement
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL506 TOP SELLER
Who Should Attend
Engineering managers who want to learn how to implement Lean This course explains the basic applications of position, including fixed
principles in the workplace and floating fastener, zero tolerance, size feature datums and composite
vs. two single segments. How to control the size and location of nonsize
15 Hours, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs features are also explained, as are coaxial relationships and control of
Member $395 / List Price $495 rectangular features.
You Will Learn To
• Develop an in-depth understanding of GD&T
• Explain basic applications of position and size concepts
• Identify practical tools that you can apply on the job
22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $595 / List Price $695
32 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763