Page 32 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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Probabilistic Structural Analysis, Design                                     Shock and Vibration
                                       and Reliability-Risk Assessment                                               Analysis

                                       PD683                                                                         PD231

DESIGN AND MATERIALS � PUBLIC COURSES  Reliability, risk and safety assessment are becoming increasingly             In this intermediate level course, engineers with backgrounds in
                                       important in engineering projects. This course provides a broad               mechanical, structural or related engineering disciplines will learn
                                       overview of probabilistic structural analysis, design and reliability/risk/   how to compute natural frequencies and response to dynamic forces,
                                       safety assessment, with heavy emphasis on industrial applications.            as well as designs to reduce vibration of new and existing systems.
                                       Different methods of analysis are explained with emphasis on                  Machineries, shafts and rotor systems, rotating equipment, their supports
                                       assumptions and relative advantages-disadvantages of each method.             and foundations, vibration absorbers (tuned mass dampers), vibration
                                       Use of each method in actual industrial applications is discussed.            isolators, shock loads and shock spectra, earthquakes, transportation
                                                                                                                     vibrations, flow-induced vibrations and vibration monitoring are all
                                       This is an applications oriented course; about 75% of the time will be        discussed.
                                       devoted to applications. Actual examples from a spectrum of industries
                                       such as aerospace, pressure vessel and piping, nuclear power, fossil          How to benchmark analytical results with test results or field data will
                                       power, petrochemical and marine industries will be discussed.                 also be taught. Emphasis is not on derivation of equations, but rather
                                                                                                                     on assumptions and limitations of various analysis techniques and
                                       Each participant will receive the course text, Probabilistic Structural       guidelines on when to use which method.
                                       Mechanics Handbook: Theory and Industrial Applications (Chapman &
                                       Hall). This handbook, edited by the instructor, is the most comprehensive     Thirty-two detailed, step-by-step, worked-out examples of analysis and
                                       book on the subject available today.                                          design are presented at appropriate junctures throughout the course.
                                                                                                                     Five case histories are also presented to demonstrate how the various
                                       You Will Learn To                                                             concepts and methods presented in the course are applied in complex
                                       • Explain random variations in material properties and loads and how to       vibration projects.

                                          quantify them                                                              You Will Learn To
                                       • Compute structural reliability using various techniques                     • Compute frequencies of complex equipment, structures and systems
                                       • Design structures to specified reliability/risk level                       • Compute dynamic response to a variety of operational and
                                       • Perform probabilistic fracture/fatigue analysis and predict useful life
                                                                                                                        environmental forces
                                       Who Should Attend                                                             • Compute equivalent static loads
                                       Engineers directly involved in probabilistic structural analysis, design and  • Employ different methods of reducing vibrations of new and existing
                                       reliability assessment, as well as engineering supervisors and managers
                                       responsible for such projects                                                    equipment and structures, including frequency separation techniques,
                                                                                                                        dampening, vibration absorbers, tuned mass dampers as well as
                                       No prior knowledge of probabilistic structural analysis or reliability is        vibration isolation
                                       necessary, but those who have knowledge and experience will also              • Perform calculations related to special topics, such as solid-fluid
                                       benefit because of the breadth of topics and applications covered, as            systems and flow-induced vibrations
                                       well as the practical guidance offered.
                                                                                                                     Who Should Attend
                                       Instructor C. (Raj) Sundararajan                                              Engineers, engineering supervisors and managers responsible for
                                       3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                                                     designing or qualifying mechanical components, equipment, piping
                                       Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090                                             and structures subjected to dynamic forces; personnel responsible for
                                                                                                                     auditing, reviewing or approving shock and vibration analysis tasks,
                                                                                                                     including both individuals with a few years experience in vibration
                                                                                                                     analysis as well as those who are new to the area

                                                                                                                     No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is necessary.

                                                                                                                     Instructor C. (Raj) Sundararajan
                                                                                                                     3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                                                                                                     Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090

30 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763
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