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Essentials: A17.6 Standard for                                             Essentials – B30 Safety Standard                                           ELEVATORS AND ESCALATORS � ELEARNING COURSES
Elevator Suspension, Compensation
and Governor Systems                                                       Online Assessment Based Course ZABC27

Online Assessment Based Course ZABC28                                      This course covers the types of information included within the
                                                                           volumes of the ASME B30 Standard. It describes the Charter of the B30
This course provides an introduction to the A17.6 Standard, covering       Committee, the types of load handling equipment to which it applies,
three specific types of suspension technology for elevators: Stranded      its organization and the intended use of the B30 Standard. The course
Carbon Steel Wire Ropes, Aramid Fiber Ropes and Noncircular                also examines the various scope requirements, definitions of equipment,
Elastomeric Coated Steel Suspension Members.                               use of references and general construction characteristics described in
                                                                           B30, while discussing inspection and testing requirements, operation
2 PDHs                                                                     and general maintenance requirements, roles and responsibilities and
Price $195                                                                 additional job site safety requirements.

Essentials: A18.1 Safety Standard for                                      2 PDHs
Platform Lifts & Stairway Chairlifts                                       Price $195

Online Assessment Based Course ZABC58                                      Guide to Mobile Crane Standards

The ASME A18.1 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts  Online Assessment Based Course ZABC54
offers essential guidance to both the public and private sectors to help
protect public safety, while reflecting industry best practices.           This course provides information for manufacturers, owners or users of
                                                                           mobile cranes to help determine which standards should be invoked for
2 PDHs                                                                     a particular application or facility, and covers:
Price $195                                                                 • The various crane requirements invoked by law in the U.S. at the

Essentials: Rules for Construction of                                         Federal, State, and Local levels
Single-Failure-Proof Cranes and Cranes in                                  • U.S. and international voluntary consensus standards and other
                                                                              standards and guidelines that are used in the mobile crane industry
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC38                                      • The role various societies and industry groups play in the

This course provides an introduction to the rules for the design and          development of crane standards and guidelines
construction of single-failure-proof (SFP) cranes and the cranes covered
in ASME NOG-1 and ASME NUM-1 Standards. It covers the scope of the         2 PDHs
standards, their similarities and differences, and where they are used.    Price $195
It also discusses their application to Type I, Type II and Type III
single-failure proof cranes.                                               Essentials: A17.1/CSA B44 Safety Code for
                                                                           Elevators and Escalators
2 PDHs
Price $195                                                                 Online Assessment Based Course ZABC53 NEW!

Introduction to ASME Elevator Codes                                        This course provides an introduction to the history and background
                                                                           of ASME’s Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. It presents an
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC82 NEW!                                 overview of the eight main parts of the Code, reviewing the basic
                                                                           requirements for installing and maintaining Elevators, Escalators, Moving
The Introduction to ASME Elevator Codes covers the ASME A17.1/CSA          Sidewalks, Dumbwaiters and Material Lifts.
B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators as well as its family of      This course is designed for individuals who are working on their
standards, codes and guides used in North America. The basic types         own or as part of a larger corporation in the elevator and escalator
of elevators, moving walks, escalators, dumbwaiters and material lifts     or construction industry, who want to learn more about the A17.1
are discussed. The A17 family of codes cover the design, construction,     Requirements.
installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration and
repair of this equipment. It also takes a look at the development of the   3 PDHs
A17/CSA B44 Standards, Codes, and Guides.                                  Price $195

This course is designed for anyone who wants an introduction to -- and a
basic understanding of – ASME’s elevator and escalator standards.

2.5 PDHs
Price $195

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