Page 41 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
P. 41

Design and Selection of                                                        Fluid Mechanics, Piping Design, Fluid
Heat Exchangers                                                                Transients and Dynamics

PD673                                                                          PD691

This two-day course covers the design, selection and sizing of heat            For some, the term “water hammer” evokes images of broken and              FLUIDS AND HEAT TRANSFER � PUBLIC COURSES
exchangers and begins with a brief review of heat transfer fundamentals.       bent piping, multi-million dollar damages, the loss of water supplies to
It continues with a look at four main types of heat exchangers that are        cities and the deaths of individuals due to accidents. Water hammer
used in the industry: the Double Pipe Heat Exchanger, the Shell and            may be defined as an extreme fluid transient, occasionally recognized
Tube Heat Exchanger, the Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger and the                by loud banging or hammering sounds, sometimes associated with
Cross Flow Heat Exchanger.                                                     fluid transients, which are caused by flow rate changes and resultant
                                                                               pressure surges. Often fluid transient and water hammer are used
The discussion of each of these exchangers includes a description of           interchangeably.
construction, various methods of analysis and design considerations.
The course also includes real-world examples and in-class problems.            The primary purpose of this course is to provide practicing engineers
An appendix of relevant data is also provided as part of the course.           with the analytical tools required to identify water hammer concerns
                                                                               and prevent equipment damage, personnel injury and fatalities. The
You Will Learn To                                                              principles of pipe system design with respect to fluid mechanics, valves
• Explain the heat transfer fundamentals needed to analyze heat                and pump operations are followed by basic structural piping design
                                                                               principles, water hammer theory, pipe system dynamics and failure
   exchangers                                                                  analysis.
• Explain how to analyze the four types of existing heat exchangers
• Explain how to size exchangers for a given duty                              Overall, this course integrates multiple engineering disciplines to teach
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four types          the principles of troubleshooting pipe systems for fluid flow problems
                                                                               and pipe failures. Since this class provides an extensive study of
   of exchangers                                                               different engineering topics, numerous class exercises are performed to
                                                                               augment the presentation.
Special Requirements
Participants are required to bring a scientific calculator and flash drive to  Each student will receive a copy of Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer,
the course.                                                                    Dynamic Stresses and Piping Design, and its supplement, both by Robert
Who Should Attend
This course is intended for engineers who specify, use or analyze heat         You Will Learn To
exchangers on a regular basis, or for those in the process industries that     • Explain the fundamentals of fluid mechanics in pipe systems
need a broader background in sizing heat exchangers. The participant           • Describe the fundamentals of water hammer
should be an engineer or engineering technologist who is familiar              • Explain the fundamentals of pipe failures
with, or wants to become more familiar with heat exchangers and the            • Describe the fundamentals of dynamic pipe system response
methods of analyzing them.                                                     • Apply corrective actions for pipe failures

Instructor William S. Janna                                                    Who Should Attend
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                                                      Practicing engineers in the power and process piping areas, who are
Member $1,525 / List Price $1,625                                              concerned with the design, performance and safety of piping equipment
                                                                               and components; and specifically the identification, risk assessment
                                                                               and prevention of water hammers in water, liquid and steam piping
                                                                               systems. Relevant industries include power companies and utilities,
                                                                               pressure technology, valve and pipe manufacturers and petro/chemical
                                                                               processing facilities

                                                                               Special Requirements
                                                                               Students are required to bring calculators to the course. The instructor
                                                                               recommends that they bring laptops as well.

                                                                               Instructor Bob Leishear
                                                                               5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs
                                                                               Member $2,860 / List Price $2,960

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