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Basic Gas Turbine Engine Technology Development GAS TURBINES � ELEARNING COURSES
Online Self-Study Course EL540 Se ing the Standard for Workforce Learning Solutions
This course will provide a good general understanding of gas turbines SHIFT YOUR CAREER
in a user-friendly format that allows the student to proceed at their own INTO HIGH GEAR
pace and schedule. The course is a non-mathematical approach to
understanding the fundamental nature of gas turbine engines and the ASME eLEARNING
processes that affect their performance. OPPORTUNITIES
Member $295 / List Price $395 TODAY!
Basic Gas Turbine Engine Technology Save time and money while you learn at your own
pace from the convenience of a PC - at work, from
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC49 home or on the road.
All you need is access to the Internet.
This course introduces the gas turbine engine, including operation, More than 125 ASME Training & Development
manufacture and maintenance. It looks at how the technology works eLearning courses are available -- each offering
and the factors that affect performance. CEUs and/or PDHs -- delivered in a variety of online
learning platforms, including:
2 PDHs Price $195
Online Instructor-Supported Classes
Essentials: PTC 6 - Testing Steam Turbines
Web-based training on your own time at your own
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC37 pace – 24/7 – with subject matter experts readily
This course covers the PTC 6 Standard, which provides procedures
for the accurate testing of steam turbines. It is used in conducting Online Self-Study Courses
acceptance tests of steam turbines and any other situation in which
performance levels must be determined with minimum uncertainty. Web-based training designed for self-directed
learning with structured teaching and review
3 PDHs Price $195 exercises, plus end-of-course examination
Essentials: B133.8 Gas Turbine Installation Online Assessment Based Courses
Sound Emissions
Topical, short-length and affordable online
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC44 self-study modules featuring end-of-module
assessment tests. ASME Certificate and
Sound emissions are a serious concern to the health and welfare of the Professional Development Hours (PDHs) awarded
public. This course provides essential information for the procurement after completion
of gas turbine power plants involving acoustical requirements. This
Standard addresses this concern within its field of application. Corporate eLearning Programs
2 PDHs Price $195 Time-efficient online training for your engineering
and technical staff that won’t break your budget
For ASME discounts, as well as
special non-ASME member offers,
To explore other ASME
eLearning courses, visit
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers® (ASME®)
Visit 43