Page 43 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
P. 43
Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Hydraulic Design of Liquid or Water Piping FLUID AND HEAT TRANSFER � ELEARNING COURSES
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL510
Online Self-Study Course EL539
This course studies two-phase flow and heat transfer at a practical level,
seeking to balance theory and analysis with a phenomenological This course covers the basic fundamentals and flow equations used
understanding of the fundamental dynamics. Emphasis is placed on for sizing flow lines or solving the line pressure drop of steady-state
sorting the myriad correlations offered for specific situations, and simple hydraulic systems flowing non-flashing incompressible Newtonian
estimating the effect of a two-phase flow in common processes with liquids or water. The industry’s generally accepted fundamental Darcy’s
simple mathematics. equation and the empirical Hazen-Williams formula for water flows are
introduced as the models of calculating the frictional pressure drop.
You Will Learn To Also presented are the underlying principles and commonly used
• Explain the fundamentals of boiling one-dimensional Newtonian isothermal incompressible equations for
• Explain the process of boiling on external and internal surfaces practicing engineers to perform steady-state hydraulic analysis and
• Describe two-phase flow patterns and pressure loss calculations for the liquid and water piping systems.
• Identify critical heat flux and burnout
• Describe flow instability in two-phase systems and cavitation You Will Learn To
22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs • Explain the basic principles that govern the fluid flow in pipes
Member $595 / List Price $695 • Perform calculations for various aspects of piping systems
• Describe pressure drop and flow resistance
Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning • Describe the process for pipe selection
Who Should Attend
Online Self-Study Course EL538 New practicing engineers or experienced engineers entering a new
area of practice or seeking a refresher course in fluid flow or pipe
This course is a review of the basic principles of HVAC, including hydraulics
psychometrics, sensible heating and cooling, dehumidification and
humidification, the adiabatic mixing process, air washers, cooling 10 PDHs
towers, ventilation and infiltration load calculations, control components, Member $295 / List Price $395
refrigeration cycles, heat pumps and refrigeration equipment. The
course will test your knowledge with question sets and a final exam. Introduction to the Selection of Pumps
You Will Learn To Online Assessment Based Course ZABC42 NEW!
• Describe the properties of moist air
• Explain sensible heating and cooling This course provides an introduction to pumps – the way they work,
• Describe the process of humidification and dehumidification different types, and some basic applications. It discusses the flow of
• Explain the adiabatic mixing process fluids through pipes, as well as the variables that affect the flow, and it
• Calculate loads for ventilation, infiltration, heating and cooling takes a close look at centrifugal and positive displacement pumps.
• Explain the different types of refrigeration cycles
• Describe the heat pump and a typical refrigeration system 2 PDHs Price $195
15 PDHs Introduction to the Selection of Valves
Member $295 / List Price $395
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC43 NEW!
Introduction to Computational Fluid
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL513 This course introduces the different types of valves – the way they work
and some of the basic applications. It provides an overview of
This course has six modules and provides detailed explanation of how the considerations involved when choosing the appropriate valves
to set up, run and interpret the results of CFD models for eight different or a system.
case studies and covers all the necessary theoretical background for
industrial applications of computational fluid dynamics. It is estimated 2 PDHs Price $195
that in total, the course will require approximately 24 hours of work on
the part of the student, over the duration of the six-week course. Hydraulic Design of the Pumping Circuit
You Will Learn To Online Assessment Based Course ZABC64 NEW!
• Set up the most appropriate CFD model for the problem in hand
• Set up the most appropriate turbulence model for applications When designing a hydraulic pump delivery circuit, a working knowledge
• Explain steady state and transient fluid flow simulations of all of the components and how they operate will help ensure
• Solve both isothermal and non-isothermal thermo-fluid applications optimum performance, efficiency and safety, while preventing potentially
• Solve incompressible and compressible fluid flow applications expensive system malfunctions and damage. Gain information on the
• Solve fluid flow through porous media and through rotating machinery effective design and selection of pumping equipment.
• Extract the required results and plots at the solution stage
3 PDHs Price $195
22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $595 / List price $695
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