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Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles Free ASME Learning & Development

for Gages and Fixtures                                                     Spring 2018 eCalendar Now Avaiable

PD515                                                                      Download the FREE Spring 2018 ASME                      GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING � PUBLIC COURSES
                                                                           Learning & Development eCalendar listing
Participants of this course will study and apply techniques concerning     dates and locations of Live Course offerings in
the proper design, dimensioning, and tolerancing of GO gages, NOGO         North America and Europe through June 2018,
gages, Functional Gages and Fixtures per the ASME Y14.43-2011              as well as eLearning Courses available
Standard, entitled, Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles for Gages      worldwide from the Internet, any time.
and Fixtures. Those who are involved in the application or interpretation
of dimensioning and tolerancing of products will gain a thorough           Visit:
understanding of these principles through the knowledge of how to
gage and fixture them properly. This course encompasses lectures,          or scan with a smart device:
discussions and applications working directly with handout materials and
the standard.

Each participant will receive a copy of the ASME Standard, Y14.43 - 2011
Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles for Gages and Fixtures.

You Will Learn To                                                          SAVE THE DATE!
• Explain the roll of gaging within a company’s quality management
                                                                           May 21-25, 2018, Houston, TX
   system related to ISO 9001, specifically Clause 8, and B89 7.2          Pressure Vessel & Piping Failures:
   Measurement Plan                                                        Causes, Prevention and Repair
• Explain how to apply the rules, principles and practices of gage and     …a Case Study Learning Series
   fixture design, dimensioning and tolerancing per the Y14.43-2011
• Explain how to extend the principles contained in ASME Y14.5M-1994
   and ASME Y14.5M-2009, to gages and fixtures used for manufacturing
   and inspection
• Explain how choices made on design, dimension, and tolerance
   gages and fixtures determine whether good parts will be rejected
   and/or bad parts will be accepted
• Examine the economic reality of gage use based on part function and
   production volume
• Explain how to put into practice the proper simulation of datum

Who Should Attend                                                          The Program provides practical examination of the
Those with an interest in learning the new rules, regulations and          fundamental causes of pressure equipment failures and
preferred ASME and ANSI practices per the newly released standard;         describes how the failures could have been prevented.
gage designers, fixture designers, manufacturing engineers, process        A series of short courses are offered, with each course
engineers, quality engineers, inspectors and/or anyone wishing to          addressing the fundamentals of a specific damage
strengthen their knowledge of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing       mechanism, its causes and characteristics, method of
                                                                           inspection to detect damage, and techniques to evalu-
Special Requirements                                                       ate the component’s fitness-for-service.
Course participants should have a basic knowledge of the Y14.5
Standard in order to optimize their learning experience.                   TOPICS INCLUDE

Instructor Pat McCuistion                                                  • Overview: PVP Integrity Assessment and Repair
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                                                     Using ASME/API Codes
Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090                                          •  General Metal Loss Corrosion
                                                                           • Local Thin Areas
                                                                           • Pitting Corrosion
                                                                           •  Stress Corrosion Cracking
                                                                           •  Flow-Induced Vibration in Pipes
                                                                           • Waterhammer Damage in Pipes
                                                                           • Pressure Relief Systems
                                                                           • High Temp Creep and Creep Fatigue Simulations
                                                                           …and more

                                                                           Program details will be posted on the MasterClass web-
                                                                           site as soon as available.
                                                                           Be sure to check or
                                                                           contact Jennifer Delda at

See pages 4–10 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
delivered in the USA during Spring 2018.

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