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Effective Management of                                                       Leadership and Organizational
                                              Research and Development                                                      Management: Leading Individuals and
                                              Teams and Organizations                                                       Engineering Project Teams

                                              PD506                                                                         Online Instructor-Supported Course EL532

                                              Managing the productivity and excellence of an R&D organization offers        Learn how to lead project teams successfully to deliver on time and on
                                              a unique set of problems and unusual challenges. This uniqueness              budget, from selection of appropriate project team members through
                                              arises from two basic facts:                                                  management of team dynamics and communication, especially in remote
                                                                                                                            teams. Investigate tools for saving teams in trouble, look at problem
                                                (1) the character of the enterprise and                                     solving and team focus. Instead of just being part of the team, learn how
                                                (2) the highly specialized, articulate and autonomous people involved       to become the leader of the team.

                                                    in R&D.

MANAGING PEOPLE � PUBLIC / ELEARNING COURSES  This course will explain how managing an R&D organization is largely          You Will Learn To
                                              the art of integrating the efforts of diverse, creative, intelligent and      • Explain operational issues including recruitment, negotiation and
                                              independent individuals. It will offer a concise, yet effective, overview of
                                              the management issues and their solutions.                                       conflict-resolution techniques
                                                                                                                            • Describe strategic management models and thinking
                                              The ideas presented in this course consist of the work of a multitude         • Explain the differences between leadership and management
                                              of experts and focuses on ways to improve the productivity of R&D.            • Describe the dynamics of dealing with diverse teams
                                              It is designed to bring the attendees to a stage where they can apply
                                              this information and to foster excellence and innovation in their R&D         22.5 Hours, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                              organization.                                                                 Member $595 List Price: $695

                                              You Will Learn To                                                             Also available as a two-day Public Course: PD531, “Leadership and
                                              • Describe the innovation process in an effective R&D organization            Organizational Management” (see page 44)
                                              • Identify the ingredients of successful technology transfer in an R&D
                                                                                                                            Ethics for Engineers: Doing the Right
                                                 atmosphere                                                                 Thing When No One is Looking
                                              • Contribute effectively to the management and leadership throughout
                                                                                                                            Online Assessment Based Course ZABC3
                                                 the organization                                                           Ethics has been defined as doing the right thing when no one is
                                              • Explain how to make a smooth transition from a technical staff position     watching. Are you? Is everyone around you? What should you do if
                                                                                                                            they’re not? Is what you think is right the same thing as what others think
                                                 to a management and leadership position                                    is right? In this learning for engineers we’ll explore all these questions
                                              • Explain how to achieve optimal results from the R&D organization            and you’ll finish with how-to’s for yourself and others.

                                              Who Should Attend                                                             This is an intermediate level course for all engineers as we all have to
                                              Managers, supervisors, team/group leaders, engineers, project                 display ethical behavior and help others display it as well.
                                              managers, and other technical personnel as well as faculty members,
                                              department heads, research administrators, managers responsible for
                                              sponsoring research and policy makers in science and technology

                                              Instructor Bruce Chehroudi                                                    3 PDHs Price $75
                                              3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
                                              Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090                                             Changing Organizational Culture

                                                                                                                            Online Assessment Based Course ZABC8

                                              See pages 4–10 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses                 This course explains how to deal with change in your organization and
                                              delivered in the USA during Autumn 2017.                                      offers management techniques that incorporate both engineering and
                                                                                                                            psychological approaches to change the way an organization functions
                                              ASME Book of Interest                                                         to help minimize discomfort and uncertainty throughout the organization.
                                                                                                                            Changing the way an organization functions can be a tenuous process;
                                                                     Unwritten Laws of Ethics and Change in                 therefore, it is crucial to implement initiatives in a way that minimizes
                                                                     Engineering (2015)                                     turnover of talented employees and maximizes employee productivity.
                                                                        120 pp ISBN 9780791860588
                                                                        Print Book Member $23 / List Price $29              1.5 PDHs Price $95
                                                                        Order Number: 860588

48 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763
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