Page 55 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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Nuclear Piping Systems BPV Code,                                             BPV Code, Section III, Division 1:                                          NUCLEAR � PUBLIC COURSES
Section III and B31.1: Design, Integrity-                                    The Code and Regulation
Operability Assessment and Repairs
                                                                             PD184 ASME Standards Course
PD615 ASME Standards Course
                                                                             This course is a comprehensive overview of Section III, Division 1,
This course provides information and instruction on the design, analysis,    including interfaces with Sections II, V, IX, XI, NQA-1, and US NRC
and qualification of nuclear power plant piping systems that are             regulations, and regulatory guidance. The course explains the Section
consistent with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III,       III requirements and processes, including the requirements for design,
Division 1, Subsections NB/NC/ND, as well as the parallel requirements       quality assurance, third-party oversight by the Authorized Inspection
of ASME B31.1 for nuclear power plants. The methods and criteria             Agency, and the duties and responsibilities of N, NA, and NPT certificate
described throughout the course apply to new systems, as well as             holders. The course presents an overview of the technical bases for
modifications or repairs to existing systems.                                Section III Class 1 design-by-analysis, the ASME Accreditation process,
                                                                             the requirements for the Authorized Inspection Agency, and the Quality
The course also addresses the integrity assessment of degraded               Assurance Program requirements for Material Organizations and
nuclear piping systems (wall thinning and crack damage) using the            ASME Certificate Holders. The course includes an overview of the
methods and criteria of ASME XI, operability assessment per NRC              classification of nuclear components, and the use of Code Cases and
Inspection Manual and piping repairs per ASME XI and ASME PCC-2.             Inquiries.

The course covers (a) the code and regulatory requirements, (b) the          Each participant will receive a copy of Subsection NCA, General
technical and historical basis of the requirements, and (c) best industry    Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 of Section III of the ASME
practices for the correct and cost-effective design, analysis and integrity  Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
                                                                             You Will Learn To
Each student will receive a copy of the book, Nuclear Power Plant Safety     • Describe the scope and requirements of Section III
and Mechanical Integrity: Design and Operability of Mechanical Systems,      • Explain how Section III interfaces with Sections II, V, IX, XI and NQA-1
Equipment and Supporting Structures, by George Antaki and Ramiz              • Explain the purpose of Code Cases and their use by regulatory
You Will Learn To                                                            • Describe the purpose of Code Data Reports
• Describe Class 1, Class 2/3, and B31.1 nuclear piping design               • Describe the third-party oversight functions performed by Authorized

   requirements                                                                 Inspection Agencies and the role of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector
• Explain the differences between Class 1, Class 2/3, and B31.1              • Describe the Quality Assurance Program required for Material
• Describe the NRC regulatory requirements related to ASME III and
                                                                                Organizations and the Quality Assurance Program required for
   B31.1 piping systems                                                         Certificate holders
• Evaluate normal operating loads (pressure, weight, thermal expansion)      • Explain the significance of ASME Code Stamps and the new ASME
• Evaluate postulated design loads (seismic, waterhammer, vibration,            Certification Mark
                                                                             • Describe the ASME Accreditation Process, and duties and
   pipe break, etc.)                                                            responsibilities for N, NA, NPT Certificate Holders
• Determine how to make the correct and cost-effective decisions in          • Describe new initiatives being considered by Section III to assist
                                                                                international users
   the design and modification of nuclear piping                             • Describe future global trends for nuclear generation of electric power
• Evaluate corroded (wall-thinning) nuclear piping
• Evaluate crack-like flaws in nuclear piping                                 Who Should Attend
• Assess operability of piping systems for abnormal conditions               Managers, engineers, quality assurance and inspection personnel
                                                                             involved in the design, fabrication and installation of components in
Who Should Attend                                                            nuclear facilities. Experienced and entry-level personnel who want to
Engineers involved in the design, analysis, and qualification of ASME        gain an understanding of Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Safety Class 1, 2 & 3 piping systems,       Vessel Code and its application in nuclear facilities.
and ASME B31.1 for nuclear power plants.
                                                                             Instructor Gene Imbro
Participants are expected to have at least one year of experience in the     4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
design, maintenance, or operation of a nuclear power reactor facility.       Member $2,750 / List Price $2,850

Instructor George Antaki
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $2,255 / List Price $2,355

See pages 4–10 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses                                                                                            53
delivered in the USA during Spring 2018.

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