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BPV Code, Section XI: Inservice                                            Advanced Design and Construction of
                          Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant                                          Nuclear Facility Components per BPV
                          Components                                                                 Code, Section III

                          PD192 ASME Standards Course                                                PD644 ASME Standards Course

NUCLEAR � PUBLIC COURSES  By taking this course you will gain specific insight into how to use       From suppliers’ shops to construction sites, this advanced course details
                          Section XI to save millions of dollars in plant operating costs. Covering  Code requirements for the design, fabrication, construction and life
                          all aspects of Section XI, this course highlights repair, replacement,     extension of nuclear power plants. Covering all aspects of the nuclear
                          modification and maintenance activities; pressure testing; as well as      pressure boundary as well as the application of methods for fabrication
                          the relationship between the Code and regulatory and enforcement           of nuclear pressure boundary components, it provides the required skills
                          requirements. Also addressed will be the many controversial issues         for applying Code requirements for Nondestructive Examination (NDE)
                          confronting the nuclear industry, along with discussion of the broad       techniques for radiography, ultrasonic techniques and other forms of
                          spectrum of opinions regarding practical application of Code               NDE. It also outlines the requirements for performing hydro testing and
                          requirements.                                                              leak testing. Case studies examine real scenarios encountered in the
                                                                                                     nuclear industry.
                          Course materials include many published ASME Interpretations that
                          explain how Code requirements can be applied to problems that have         This advanced course explores the requirements of Section III of the
                          confronted other companies. The course also highlights significant         ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) code. Through a combination
                          changes in the Code requirements in the last 10–15 years.                  of information and case studies based on real-world problems, it
                                                                                                     provides the required knowledge and skills for the professionals who
                          Designed to provide an introduction to Section XI for people who           are involved in the design, fabrication, construction and life extension of
                          are not familiar with it, the course also provides experienced Section XI  nuclear power plant (NPP) components.
                          users an entirely new understanding of some of the confusing
                          and controversial parts of Section XI.                                     You Will Learn To
                                                                                                     • Explain advanced concepts related to design by analysis and design
                          You Will Learn To
                          • Explain inservice inspection requirements for Class 1, 2 and 3 systems,     by rule
                                                                                                     • Compare ASME B&PV Code with other international codes.
                             components and supports, as well as steel and concrete containment      • Identify welding and heat treatment requirements
                             vessels                                                                 • Describe what is required for nondestructive examination and testing
                          • Describe requirements for qualification of nondestructive examination
                             personnel and performance of nondestructive examination                 Who Should Attend
                          • Explain basic requirements for flaw evaluation and acceptance             Nuclear power plant designers, stress analysts, QA and inspection
                          • Identify Section XI requirements for repair, replacement, modification,  personnel, regulators along with reactor, welding, operations and utility
                             maintenance activities and pressure testing                             engineers
                          • Explain how to use recent revisions to Section XI to your advantage
                          • Describe the relationship of 10CFR50.55a and NRC Regulatory              Instructor San Iyer
                             Guides, Bulletins, Generic Letters and Regulatory Issue Summaries to    4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
                             inservice inspection, nondestructive examination, repair, replacement   Member $2,750 / List Price $2,850
                             and modification
                                                                                                     Also available as Online Instructor-Supported course EL524, taught by
                          Who Should Attend                                                          this instructor.
                          Utility operating personnel responsible for nuclear power plant inservice
                          inspection, nondestructive examination, evaluation, repair, replacement
                          and modification, as well as personnel responsible for assessment or
                          third-party inspection, regulation or enforcement

                          Special Requirements                                                                ASME "live" course
                          While experience with Section XI or other ASME Codes or Standards is        attendees say the ASME training
                          not required, you should have a strong technical background or hands-        they received is relevant ot their
                          on experience with Code work.
                                                                                                     97%job or career*
                          Instructor Rick Swayne
                          5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs
                          Member $3,390 / List Price $3,490

                                                                                                      *ASME Course Evaluation Surveys completed by over 15,000 participants.

54 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763
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