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Nondestructive Examination – Applying                                     ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance                                                 NUCLEAR � PUBLIC COURSES
ASME Code Requirements (Section V)                                        Requirements for Nuclear Facility
PD389 ASME Standards Course
                                                                          PD635 ASME Standards Course
This public course is designed for individuals who require an
understanding of the principles, techniques and applications of the key   This course provides an overall understanding of the basic principles
Nondestructive Examination methods. This program uses PowerPoint to       and applications of ASME Nuclear Quality Assurance. Managers,
present the principles of Nondestructive Examination (NDE) and practical  engineers, and program developers who take this three-day course gain
applications which will provide a basic comprehensive knowledge of the    an enhanced understanding of ASME as an organization, its codes and
major methods.                                                            standards, and the ASME Nuclear Quality Assurance code and standard
                                                                          NQA-1 as it is applied to nuclear facilities.
Emphasis is placed on basic procedures, techniques, applications,
advantages and limitations as related to the ASME Boiler & Pressure       In addition to covering the NQA-1 Standard, it also provides a brief
Vessel Code, Section V for each method. Examples of NDE devices           overview of sections of Section III Rules for Construction of Nuclear
supplement the classroom lectures to enable the attendee to obtain        Facility Components of the B&PV Code as they apply ASME NQA-1 for
a better understanding of the general theory, uses and variables of       their quality assurance standard for new construction of nuclear facilities
the methods presented. A copy of the Handbook of Nondestructive           and plant modifications.
Evaluation, 2nd Edition, by Charles Hellier, will be given to each
attendee.                                                                 This is an intermediate level course for engineers, managers and
                                                                          quality personnel who are, or will be, directly or indirectly involved in
You Will Learn To                                                         manufacturing, fabrication and examination of components or structures
• Describe the applications of the basic NDE methods and the various      for nuclear power facilities. Participants should have at least one year
                                                                          of experience in the design, construction, and operation of – or have
   materials to be examined                                               a supporting-supplier role for – nuclear power facilities and their
• Explain the principles, procedures, evaluation, reporting and ASME      components.

   Code requirements of the basic NDE methods                             Participants will receive a copy of the ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance
• Identify the techniques of the visual, penetrant, magnetic particle,    Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications (QA) codebook and the
                                                                          Participant Workbook.
   radiographic, ultrasonic and eddy current testing methods
                                                                          You Will Learn To
Who Should Attend                                                         • Explain the purpose of the NQA-1 Standard and its role in nuclear

Design, structural, maintenance and materials engineers, and                 construction and operation
management, supervisors, regulators, auditors, and project managers       • Describe the 18 criteria basis of the NQA-1 Standard contained in Part 1
                                                                          • Describe the organization of the NQA-1 Standard and the major topics
Instructors Larry Mullins
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 15 PDHs                                                    (or activities) covered in the Standard
Member $2,255/ List Price $2,355                                          • Explain the differences between Part 1, 2, 3 and 4

                                                                          Who Should Attend
                                                                          Design, process, and quality engineers; managers, management
                                                                          program developers, and project managers; licensing and procurement
                                                                          personnel; regulators; and students and university personnel

                                                                          Instructor William K. (Ken) Sowder
                                                                          3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 15 PDHs
                                                                          Member $2,255/ List Price $2,355

                                                                          This course is also available as an Online Instructor-Supported Course,

                                                                          EL520, taught by this instructor.
ASME "live" course
attendees say they
would recommend

  the ASME course

93%to their co-workers
and colleagues*

*ASME Course Evaluation Surveys completed by over 15,000 participants.                                                                                 57
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64