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NUCLEAR � PUBLIC COURSES Comparison of Global Quality Assurance & ASME NQA-1 and DOE Quality Assurance
Management System Standards Used for Rule 10 CFR 830
Nuclear Applications
PD711 ASME Standards Course
PD634 ASME Standards Course
ASME produces codes and standards that are the most widely used
Upon completion of this two-day, intermediate-level course, managers, in the world for the design, manufacture, operation, maintenance,
engineers and program developers will have a better understanding of and repair of components within nuclear facilities. This 3-day course
the major international Nuclear Quality Assurance Standards and how discusses the ASME NQA-1 Standard and its 4 parts, the principal
they relate and interact. intentions of this Standard and how to apply its provisions for
Department of Energy nuclear facility suppliers, contractors, and DOE
Following an introduction to the ASME Section III Nuclear Power Code, National Laboratories.
the course offers an overview of the ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality
Assurance Standard, the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard, This course is designed to provide management, procurement,
the NSQ-100 Nuclear Safety and Quality Management System engineering, and program management with an introduction to and
Requirements, and the IAEA GS-R-3 Management Systems Standard. It overview of ASME as an organization, its Codes and Standards, and
also compares the NQA-1 Standard with the ISO 9001:2008, NSQ 100, the ASME NQA-1 Standard. The instructor explains how this Standard is
and the IAEA GS-R-3 Management Systems Safety Series Standard. applied to DOE nuclear facilities, as well as providing a brief overview of
The course also provides analysis of the areas of their agreement and the subsections of B&PV Code, Section III, as they apply to construction
differences. of nuclear facilities and DOE Orders, concerning quality assurance, such
as 414.1D, G414.1-2B, 450.2. Other covered topics include a brief history
This course is designed for engineers, managers and quality personnel of the B&PV code, the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards,
who are – or will be – directly or indirectly involved in manufacturing, and the NQA-1 guidance for implementation within DOE Rules and
fabrication and examination of components or structures for nuclear Orders for Quality Assurance.
power facilities. Participants are expected to have at least one year
of experience in design, construction, quality assurance or operation Each student will receive a copy of the NQA-1 Quality Assurance
of nuclear facilities. They may also have a supporting-supplier role Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications Standard.
for nuclear power facilities and their components or development of
management system integration of nuclear quality requirements across You Will Learn To
global boundaries. • Explain the purpose and organization of ASME
• Describe the scope of ASME codes and standards applicable to
You Will Learn To
• Explain the organization and scope of the ASME Section III Rules for components in a nuclear facility
• Explain the purpose, organization and requirements of NQA-1 Quality
Construction of Nuclear Facility Components
• Describe the ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Standard Assurance for Nuclear Facility Applications
• Identify the 18 criteria basis of the NQA-1 Standard contained in Part 1,
contents and organization
• Explain the overview of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) NQA Parts 2, 3 and 4
• Apply the four principal Department of Energy requirement
Safety Standard GS-R-3, 2006-STI/PUB/1252
• Explain the overview of ISO 9001-2008 documents pertaining to nuclear quality assurance for nuclear
• Describe the practical application of these quality assurance facilities
requirements for the nuclear industry Who Should Attend
Anyone who is or will be directly or indirectly involved in the design,
Who Should Attend procurement, manufacturing and construction, maintenance or operation
Design engineers, quality engineers, managers, management program of a nuclear facility, including those involved in quality assurance, quality
developers, project managers, regulators, inspectors, procurement control programs, inspection, procurement of materials, as well as
personnel, operations and plant maintenance personnel nuclear regulatory personnel, university faculty and students.
Instructors William K. (Ken) Sowder Instructors William K. (Ken) Sowder
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs 3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $1,700/ List Price $1,800 Member $2,255/ List Price $2,355
Also available as Online Instructor-Supported Course EL526, taught by
this instructor.
58 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763