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ASME In-Company
Training Programs

Benefits of In-Company Training                                    Frequently Asked Questions

Get tailored instruction for your company                          Which courses can be brought to our site?
                                                                   ASME Training offers an extensive list of courses which are
We will work with you to customize courses and address             listed on our website. Any of these courses, depending on
particular issues and challenges relating to the daily work        instructor’s availability, can be held at your company.
of your employees. Workshops can be arranged to provide
problem solving activities to address these specific issues.       Can the course material be revised to meet our
Tailoring can also add opportunities for hands-on learning,        specific needs?
group activities and Q&A sessions.                                 Yes. Courses can be modified to provide new topics or
                                                                   additional content on a given subject. Courses can also be
Learn directly from industry experts                               condensed to spend less time on topics that are not required.

ASME courses provide the opportunity to receive training from      What do we need to provide?
industry leaders who share their real-world experiences. Our       You need to provide a training room with audiovisual equipment.
code courses are mostly taught by committee members with
knowledge of the history and application of the Code and           What is the typical class size?
insight into the current issues being discussed.                   We can work with as few as eight to as many as 30 participants.
                                                                   The larger the class size, the more cost effective the training
Affordable and convenient training                                 becomes, on a per-person basis.

We work with you and the expert instructor to determine a          How much lead time is necessary to schedule an In-
mutually convenient time for the course. The In-Company            Company course?
option minimizes travel costs and staff downtime. It’s more cost-  Generally eight to ten weeks are needed to work with your
effective on a per-person basis to train your employees in this    company and the instructors to tailor the course, set up logistics
group setting.                                                     and order materials. We work with you and the expert instructor
                                                                   to determine a mutually convenient time to deliver course.
Diverse inventory of courses
                                                                   Can you provide training for my international sites?
Any one of the extensive number of courses in this catalog can     Yes, most of our trainers have international experience and are
be brought to your company for your employees. Courses can         able to deliver courses to a global market. We also have trainers
be “off the shelf” or tailored to your specific needs.             located across the world with local expertise.

Receive Continuing Education Units                                                           For more information,
ASME Learning & Development is accredited by the
International Association for Continuing Education and Training                       or scan with a smartphone:
(IACET). ASME Learning & Development complies with the
ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a
standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of
this accreditation, ASME Learning & Development is authorized
to issue the IACET CEU.

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