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PIPING AND PIPELINE � PUBLIC COURSES B31.3 Process Piping Design B31.3 Process Piping Materials,
Fabrication, Examination and Testing
PD014 ASME Standards Course / Top Seller
PD457 ASME Standards Course
The aim of this intensive course is to explain how piping systems fail and
what the Code requires the designer, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, A comprehensive, one-day supplemental course to PD014: “ASME
erector, examiner, inspector and owner to do to prevent this. B31.3 Process Piping Design,” this course is designed to illustrate the
relationship of the Fabrication and Examination rules of the B31.3 Code
Using hundreds of real-world examples as well as the personal to the Design and Materials rules. Examples of problems that occur
experiences of the instructors, the course demonstrates how the B31.3 as a result of not understanding the relationship of the ASME code to
Code has been both correctly and incorrectly applied. Lessons are design rules and materials selection are featured. The primary goal of
enhanced by actual in-class problem solving exercises, directly applying this course is to provide insight into the rules relating to the ASME B31.3
the rules and equations of the B31.3 Code for specific design and Fabrication and Examination code.
operating conditions to illustrate correct applications.
You Will Learn To
You Will Learn To • Describe the materials selection process and limitations
• Identify what issues to consider when designing process piping • Identify fabrication rules and their bases
• Explain the pressure design of piping and piping components • Describe the relationship between B31.3 design and the fabrication
• Analyze piping flexibility and gauge the limitations of piping and
and examination requirements
piping components • Explain the welding qualification requirements
• Identify pipe supports, leak testing, piping failures and their causes • Identify the inspection, examination and testing requirements
Who Should Attend Who Should Attend
Piping engineers and designers who need an understanding of the Piping engineers and designers, fabricators and erectors, QA/QC
requirements for compliance and the trends of Code changes for piping personnel, engineers and maintenance personnel who desire a more
design and analysis, fabrication, examination and testing in depth understanding of the Fabrication and Examination rules of the
B31.3 Code covering process plant piping systems
Special Requirements
Each participant will receive a copy of the B31.3 Process Piping Design Instructor John P. Swezy, Jr.
codebook; however, each must bring his or her own calculator. 1.5 Days 1.2 CEUs, 12 PDHs
Member $1,410 / List Price $1,510
Instructors Ronald W. Haupt or Jim E. Meyer
3.5 Days, 2.7 CEUs, 27 PDHs Save up to $845 by enrolling in PD581 – a combo course consisting of
Member $2,725 / List Price $2,825 this course (PD457) and PD014 “B31.3 Process Piping Design.”
Save up to $845 by enrolling in PD581 – a combo course consisting
of this course (PD014) and PD457 “B31.3 Process Piping Materials,
Fabrication, Examination and Testing.”
Take This Combo Course and Save Up to 845!
B31.3 Process Piping Design, Materials, Fabrication,
Examination and Testing Combo Course
Created to save participants time and money, this course is a back-to-back offering of “B31.3 Process Piping Design” (PD014) and “Process Piping
Materials, Fabrication, Examination & Testing” (PD457). If you opt to take this combination course, you could save up to $845.
Instructors Jim E. Meyer or Ronald W. Haupt 5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs Member $3,390 / List Price $3,490
64 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763