Page 63 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
P. 63

Comparison of Global Assurance and                                          Essentials: BPV Code, Section XI, Division
Management System Standards Used for                                        1: Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear
Nuclear Application                                                         Plant Components - A Detailed Overview

Online Instructor-Supported Course EL526                                    Online Assessment Based Course ZABC51

This course provides managers, engineers and program developers             This course provides a detailed overview of the contents of the 2010          NUCLEAR � ELEARNING COURSES
with a better understanding of the major international Nuclear Quality      ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Division 1 and its 2011
Assurance Standards and how they interact. Following an introduction to     Addenda. It covers the organization and the requirements Section XI to
the ASME Section III Nuclear Power Code, the course offers an overview      help understand how to use it, and introduces the inservice inspection
of the ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Standard, the ISO 9001          requirements for Class 1, 2 and 3 components, metal containments and
Quality Management Standard, and the IAEA GS-R-3 Management                 liners, supports and concrete containments.
Systems Standard. It also compares the NQA-1 Standard with the ISO
9001:2008 and the IAEA GS-R-3 Management Systems Safety Series              3 PDHs Price $195
Standard. The course also provides analysis of the areas of their
agreement and differences.                                                  Essentials: ASME BPV Code Section III:
                                                                            Subsection NCA NEW!
You Will Learn To
• Identify ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Standard contents           Online Assessment Based Course ZABC57

   and organization                                                         A comprehensive knowledge of the general requirements of Section III
• Provide an overview of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)          requires a familiarity with all the requirements within Subsection NCA.
                                                                            The modules in this course highlight selected requirements - or excerpts
   Safety Standard GS-R-3, 2006-STI/PUB/1252                                of requirements - of significant interest within NCA.
• Provide an overview of ISO 9001: 2008
• Explain the practical application of these quality assurance

   requirements for the nuclear industry

15 Hours, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                                                 3 PDHs Price $195
Member $395 / List Price $495
                                                                            Essentials: ASME Nuclear Air and Gas
NQA-1 Quality Assurance Requirements                                        Treatment (CONAGT) NEW!
for Nuclear Facility Applications
                                                                            Online Assessment Based Course ZABC46
Online Instructor-Supported Course EL520
                                                                            Designed to provide a basic understanding of nuclear air cleaning
This online instructor-supported course provides an overall                 and ASME’s Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment Committee (CONAGT)
understanding of the basic principles and applications of ASME Nuclear      and Standards, this course introduces ASME’s CONAGT Committee,
Quality Assurance. Managers, engineers and program developers               its role in nuclear air and gas cleaning, processing and treatment at
who take this course gain an enhanced understanding of ASME as an           nuclear facilities, as well as its publications, including the AG-1 and N511
organization, its codes and standards, and the ASME Nuclear Quality         Standards.
Assurance code and standard NQA-1 as it is applied to nuclear facilities.
In addition to covering the NQA-1 Standard, it also provides a brief        2 PDHs Price $195
overview of sections of Section III Rules for Construction of Nuclear
Facility Components of the BPV Code as they apply ASME NQA-1
for their quality assurance standard for new construction of nuclear
facilities and plant modifications. This course is designed for engineers,
managers and quality personnel who are, or will be, directly or indirectly
involved in manufacturing, fabrication and examination of components or
structures for nuclear power facilities.

You Will Learn To
• Explain the purpose of the NQA-1 Standard and its role in nuclear

   construction and operation
• Describe the 18 criteria basis of the NQA-1 Standard contained in Part 1
• Describe the organization of the NQA-1 Standard and the major topics

   (or activities) covered in the standard
• Explain the differences between Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4

15 Hours, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Member $395 / List Price $495

                                                                            For more information, visit:

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