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NUCLEAR � ELEARNING COURSES How to Get an “N” Stamp Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC4
Online Self-Study Course EL541
This course makes the procedure for obtaining an ASME “N” Stamp
easier to understand. The course outlines, defines and explains ASME This course covers the PRA standard objectives and provides an
conformity assessment programs, code requirements, along with the overview of the PRA Standards Framework. A discussion of the
“N” Stamp application procedure covering the accreditation process, standard’s detailed requirements is not included. The course takes
survey preparation, demonstration requirements and the most common approximately two hours to complete.
deficiencies occurring in “N” Stamp applications.
You Will Learn To
3 PDHs Price $295 • Explain when the PRA Standard should be applied
• Describe the interaction between technical requirements of the PRA
Essentials: BPV Code, Section V:
Nondestructive Examination Standard and the applications of PRA
• Explain the implications of PRA Standard compliance
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC17
2 PDHs
Provides an introduction to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Member $195 / List Price $295
Section V: Nondestructive Examination (NDE), including the various
applications of NDE as well as the various techniques. Design of Buried High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) Piping Systems
3 PDHs Price $195
Online Self-Study Course EL544
NQA-1, Part 1–18 QA Requirements
This course provides training on the design and analysis of buried high
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC5 density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe in accordance with the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code Case N-755. The course covers all aspects of
This course offers an overview of the ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality the design of buried HDPE pipe including pressure design, soil loadings,
Assurance Standard and an in-depth look at Part I (there are three parts thermal expansion loads and seismic design requirements. The design
in all). The course material provides descriptions and explanations of of coupled buried HDPE and above-ground steel piping systems is
how each of the 18 requirements of the standard should be applied, also presented. The class includes two in-class piping design exercises
including software design, computer test procedures, the inspection as well as a complete set of handouts and identification of applicable
processes, identifying and managing nonconformances, and the reference documents.
control of measuring and test equipment. This course is for engineers,
managers and quality personnel who are or will be directly or indirectly You Will Learn To
involved in manufacturing, fabrication and examination of components or • Describe the scope of Code Case N-755
structures for nuclear power facilities. • Explain the relationship of Code Case N-755 to ASME B&PVC
• Identify HDPE piping design requirements and analysis methods as
4 PDHs Price $295
specified in Code Case N-755
NQA-1 Practical Application • Demonstrate calculation methods for soil springs and other need soil
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC29 parameters
• Describe the design of coupled buried HDPE and above-ground steel
ASME NQA-1, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility
Applications contains the quality assurance program requirements for piping systems
the siting, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of
nuclear facilities. Part 1 describes an 18-point system for implementing 10 PDHs
a quality assurance program for these activities. The course describes Member $295 / List Price $395
a practical application of NQA-1 focusing on five of the principal
requirements: control of design, procurement documents, purchased
items and services, tests and measuring and test equipment. This course
is for design, process and quality engineers; managers, management
program developers and project managers; licensing and procurement
personnel; regulators; and students and university personnel.
4 PDHs Price $295
For more information, visit:
60 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763