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Overview of Codes and Standards for                                          Design in Codes, Standards & Regulations
Nuclear Power Plants                                                         for Nuclear Power Plant Construction

PD633 ASME Standards Course                                                  PD632 ASME Standards Course

This course introduces mechanical and civil engineers to ASME, its           The course provides details of the ASME Section III Division 1 code        NUCLEAR � PUBLIC COURSES
codes and standards and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels                 requirements and their technical basis for the design of piping, pumps,
(B&PV) Code as it applies to nuclear facilities. It provides an overview     valves and vessels in nuclear power plants. Topics include overview
of Sections III and XI of the B&PV Code as well as the Guides for the        of the ASME Section III design requirements, methods of analysis and
Operation and Maintenance for Nuclear Power Plants. This course also         qualification criteria for each type of component, design by rule, design
reviews Sections II, V and IX as they apply to nuclear facilities.           by analysis and qualification by testing, and supplementary requirements
                                                                             imposed by regulation (regulatory guides, standard review plan, etc.).
This course also discusses the NQA-1 Quality Assurance for Nuclear           The course also covers related ASME codes and standards such as B16,
Facility Applications Standard. Other topics include a brief history of the  QME-1 and OM.
B&PV Code, the ASME Boards and Committees (including the Board
on Nuclear Codes and Standards), international activity in the area of       Each student will receive complementary copies of BPVC Section
nuclear codes and ASME Nuclear Accreditation.                                III - Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components - Division
                                                                             1 - Subsection NC: Class 2 Component and BPVC Section III - Rules for
You Will Learn To                                                            Constructions of Nuclear Facility Components-Subsection NCA - General
• Describe the scope of ASME codes and standards applicable to               Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2.

   construction of pressure-retaining components                             You Will Learn To
• Explain the purpose, organization and requirements in Sections III and     • Identify Regulatory requirements and explain how they affect the

   XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code, including the         contents of a Section III, Division 1 Component Design Specification
   requirements and process for ASME Nuclear Accreditation                   • Define requirements and loads and develop the contents of an ASME
• Explain the purpose, organization and requirements of NQA-1 Quality
   Assurance for Nuclear Facility Applications and the OM Standards and         Section III Design Specification to ensure that a Section III Division
   Guides for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants                             1 Component Design Specification contains the minimum ASME
• Describe the purpose, organization and requirements in Sections II, V         requirements
   and IX as they apply to nuclear facility construction                     • Apply the methods and criteria for design-by-rule and design-by-
                                                                                analysis, and the relationship between rules and analysis, such as
Who Should Attend                                                               using finite element methods
Engineers and managers involved in the design, analysis, and                 • Apply the NC-3000 design rules and analyses in conjunction with the
construction of nuclear facilities as well as operations and maintenance,       “design-construction interfaces” in NC-1000, -2000, -4000, -5000,
quality assurance and quality control programs, inspection, procurement,        -6000, -7000, -8000
product design, process engineering and project management                   • Apply the process and analysis and qualification for the Design,
                                                                                Operating Levels A, B, C and D and Test loadings and determine
Instructor William K. (Ken) Sowder                                              or explain how the results are reported in a Section III Division 1
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                                                       Component Design Report
Member $2,255 / List Price $2,355                                            • Describe key differences and similarities between Class 1, 2 and 3

ASME Book of Interest                                                        Who Should Attend
                                                                             Engineers, managers and quality personnel and inspectors involved
                     Containment Structures of US Nuclear                    in the design, analysis or fabrication of components or structures for
                     Power Plants                                            nuclear power plants.
                        Hansraj Ashar
                        332 pp ISBN: 9780791860175                           Instructors George Antaki or Greg Hollinger
                        Print Book Member $149 / List Price $199             4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
                        Order Number: 860175                                 Member $2,750 / List Price $2,850

                     Toward Consistent Design Evaluation of                  See pages 4–10 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses
                     Nuclear Power                                           delivered in the USA during Spring 2018.
                     Piping by Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
                        Lingfu Zeng, Lennart Jansson and Nils-Erik Wiberg
                        80 pp ISBN: 9780791861042
                        Print Book Member $79 / List Price $99
                        Order Number: 861041


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