Page 69 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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Managing & Coordinating Piping Projects Management of 3D CAD/CAE Systems
in Process Plant Design
Piping arrangements take up the majority of the work in the design of PD721 NEW!
a process plant. Traditionally, there has been little formal training in the
design and location of piping and many design decisions are based on Poor layout and mismanaged 3D CAD/CAE systems have led to gross
practical considerations without formulae or code reinforcements. budget and schedule overruns on many industrial piping projects, all of
which can be avoided. This course analyzes common plant and piping
This course discusses the design procedures and practices involved in layout issues and considers how to manage and utilize such systems
the location of equipment and layout of the piping systems. It provides efficiently during the detail engineering phase of the project. Efficient
attendees with the background and guidance required to design, utilization of the relational database capabilities of the system will save
engineer and complete piping engineering assignments and follow time and money, as well as assist in the coordination that is required
acceptable layout procedures. between different engineering disciplines.
Each participant will receive a copy of the book “Detail Engineering Each participant will receive a copy of the book, Detail Engineering
and Layout of Piping Systems,” by Bob Wilson. and Layout of Piping Systems, by Bob Wilson.
• Describe the procedures involved in the layout and piping of a typical • Describe how to coordinate plant layout projects between disciplines
• Employ 3D CAD/CAE systems to improve plant layout design and
process unit containing pumps, exchangers, horizontal drums and
vertical towers contractibility
• Explain how disciplines, such as civil, structural, electrical, • Develop a plant layout design using 3D modeling effectively
instrumentation, etc., are relevant to piping design and layout • Describe 3D CAD/CAE system deliverables and how they are
• Identify maintenance and accessibility requirements of piping and
related disciplines produced
• Explain nozzle orientation procedures • Explain how to avoid common plant layout pitfalls
• Identify pipe support requirements • Explain how to use the latest CAD Techniques for piping layout
• Describe piping stress analysis techniques • Identify modeling and piping Do’s & Don’ts
• Identify the latest CAD Techniques for piping layout • Explain how to use modeling steel and pipe supports
• Explain CAD/CAE budgeting and scheduling
Who Should Attend • Illustrate how to complete functional and practical equipment and
Engineers and designers entering the plant design field; practicing
engineers required to expand their understanding of layout procedures; piping layouts through examples and hands-on exercises
piping fabricators, contractors and suppliers wishing to understand the • Identify practical solutions amidst challenges that are common to
relationship of manufacture and fabrication to the design, layout and
construction of piping systems; piping design and analysis personnel many projects using advanced technology
Instructor Bob Wilson Who Should Attend
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs Project engineers managing in any piping project, practicing piping
Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090 engineers required to expand their understanding of layout procedures,
piping fabricators, contractors and suppliers wishing to understand the
Take this course (PD720) and “Optimization of Plant Layouts Utilizing 3D relationship of manufacture and fabrication to the design, layout and
CAD/CAE Systems” (PD721) as a combination course, “Layout of Process construction of piping systems; piping design and analysis personnel
Piping Systems and Optimization of Plant Layouts Utilizing 3D CAD/CAE
Systems Combo Course” (PD686), and save up to $755. Instructor Andrew Wolosik
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Member $1,525 / List Price $1,625
Take this course (PD721) and “Layout of Process Piping Systems”
(PD720) as a combination course, “Layout of Process Piping Systems
and Plant Design and Project Design Using 3D CAD/CAE and Laser
Scanning Technology Course” (PD686), and save up to $755.
Take This Combo Course and Save Up to $755! 67
Managing Piping Projects and Coordination of 3D CAD/CAE Systems
Combo Course
PD686 NEW!
Created to save participants time and money, this course (PD686) is a back-to-back offering of “Managing and Coordinating Piping
Projects” (PD720) and “Measurement of 3D CAD/CAE Systems in Process Plant Design” (PD721). If you opt to take this combination course,
you could save up to $755.
Instructors Bob Wilson and Andrew Wolosik 5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs Member $2,860 / List Price $2,960