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P. 71
Grade 91 and Other Creep Strength Post Weld Heat Treatements PIPING AND PIPELINE � PUBLIC COURSES
Enhanced Ferritic Steels in ASME Codes
PD621 PD766 ASME Standards Course NEW!
The push toward higher efficiencies in power and process plants has It is essential to understand how materials respond to the rapid thermal
resulted in a significant increase in the application of CSEF (Creep cycle that occurs during most welding operations as well as the resulting
Strength Enhanced Ferritic) steels in high temperature services. properties in the weldments. These properties are directly related to the
material composition and microstructure, the welding process, the weld
These steels differ from “traditional” code material in that they gain filler metal, and even the welding techniques used. To be successful, the
their exceptional high temperature creep rupture properties based on ferritic (iron-based) materials commonly used in the pressure containing
a specific condition of microstructure, rather than the primary chemical applications of the ASME Codes may require significant differences in
composition of the materials. This means that the manufacturing and the preheating and Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) requirements.
fabrication processes must be controlled carefully to ensure that the
appropriate microstructure is achieved, failing which the material will This course provides the information necessary to understand and
suffer a significant reduction in creep strength properties. implement these requirements. It covers the rules for weld preheating,
post weld heat treatment, post bending heat treatments (PBHT) and the
This course brings attendees up to speed on the specific requirements use of material heat treatments.
for the CSEF steels; specifically, how adequate properties can be
achieved and controlled. The course begins with the basics of welding metallurgy and the
reaction to heat treatments. It then provides the background information
You Will Learn To needed to make decisions concerning the technical needs and the
• Explain the history and background of CSEF Steels Code requirements for heat treatment. The course also discusses the
• Describe the metallurgy of Grade 91 and other CSEF Steels ASME Code rules addressing preheating, PWHT and PBHT to highlight
• Explain design benefits the differences between ASME Code requirements and the current
• Describe failure histories efforts to ensure consistency. The covered Codes include:
• Explain manufacturing and fabrication processes • ASME Section I, Power Boilers
• Identify Welding and PWHT (post weld heat treatment) • ASME Section III, Nuclear Power Plant Components
• Describe Inspection and Assessment Approaches • ASME Section VIII, Pressure Vessels
• ASME Section IX, Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications
Who Should Attend • ASME B31.1, Power Piping
Design, materials, and mechanical engineers, QC and inspection • ASME B31.3, Process Piping
personnel, construction supervision, maintenance engineers, welding
engineers, regulatory personnel The control of the preheating and PWHT is particularly important to the
newer materials that are required for high temperature applications. The
Special Requirements concerns and the prevention of problems for the control of preheating
Participants should have at least one year of experience in the design, and of furnace and local PWHT will also be discussed.
materials, fabrication, maintenance or Quality Control aspects of high
temperature boiler and pipe applications. In-class exercises and a short workshop will be used to reinforce the
heat treatment, preheat and PWHT requirements.
Instructor Jeff Henry
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs You Will Learn To
Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090 • Explain the metallurgical effects of heat treatment, including PWHT,
PBHT, and materials heat treatments
• Describe the effects of welding fabrication preheating and PWHT on
the properties of the completed product
• Explain ASME Code requirements for preheating and PWHT
• Explain the requirements for PBHT in the Codes
• Describe the controls needed for effective heat treatments
Who Should Attend
Pressure equipment (boilers, pressure vessels and piping) engineers
and designers, fabricators and erectors, welding foremen, welding
engineers, corrosion engineers, QA/QC personnel, maintenance
supervisors and engineers, as well as regulatory and insurance staff
Instructor John P. Swezy
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Member $1,700 / List Price $1,800
See pages 4–10 for dates and locations of ASME Public Courses 69
delivered in the USA during Spring 2018.