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Piping Vibration Causes and Remedies Piping Failures –
– A Practical Approach Causes and Prevention
MC111 MasterClass Series/ASME Standards Course MC117 MasterClass Series/ASME Standards Course
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This two-day MasterClass provides a foundation of knowledge This one-day MasterClass provides a practical examination of the PIPING AND PIPELINE � MASTERCLASS SERIES
necessary for those responsible for assuring the mechanical integrity of fundamental causes of piping failures and describes how the failures
existing piping systems, as well as those responsible for designing and could have been prevented. A wide variety of failures are discussed,
constructing new piping systems. The program presents background and include mechanisms such as fatigue, overload, corrosion and others.
on fundamental causes of piping vibration and describes how to Mistakes made during design, construction, operation, maintenance and
identify sources of vibration. Rules of thumb and simplified methods inspection are reviewed in detail.
for evaluating vibration severity, as well as methods of treatment are
discussed. A wide variety of causes of vibration will be explored in detail Sessions are focused on real-world examples and case studies, with
in order to enable the participant to properly evaluate the variety of active class discussion and analysis.
piping vibration problems that can occur in piping systems.
You Will Learn To
Participants are encouraged to bring examples of troublesome • Identify the probable causes of piping failures
vibration problems they have experienced or are experiencing for class • Recommend methods to correct future similar failures
Who Should Attend
You Will Learn To Engineers, senior designers, maintenance, quality assurance, inspection
• Identify the probable causes of piping vibration and manufacturing personnel who work with process piping (e.g., in the
• Determine if vibration is likely to be excessive chemical, petroleum, plastic processing, pulp and paper fields) will find
• Recommend methods to correct the problem if the vibration this MasterClass an essential resource and time-saving means to gain an
understanding of piping failures and remedies
is excessive
Who Should Attend Special Requirements
Engineers, senior designers, maintenance, quality assurance, inspection This Master Class is structured on the assumption that participants have
and manufacturing personnel who work with process piping (e.g., in the a basic understanding of at least one of the ASME B31 piping codes.
chemical, petroleum, plastic processing, pulp and paper fields)
Participants are encouraged to bring examples of troublesome failures
Special Requirements they have experienced or are experiencing for class discussion.
This Master Class is structured on the assumption that participants have
a basic understanding of at least one of the ASME B31 piping codes. 1 Day, 0.8 CEUs, 8 PDHS
Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly
challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Don Frikken, Senior Advisor, Becht Engineering; Don Frikken, Senior Advisor, Becht Engineering;
Member and Past Chair of ASME B31 Pressure Member and Past Chair of ASME B31 Pressure
Piping Committee. Don is an internationally Piping Committee. Don is an internationally
recognized authority in piping design and has recognized authority in piping design and has
received numerous awards including the ASME received numerous awards including the ASME
Melvin R. Green Codes and Standards Medal, Melvin R. Green Codes and Standards Medal,
which recognizes outstanding contributions in which recognizes outstanding contributions in
ASME Code development. ASME Code development.
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