Page 78 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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Root Cause Analysis Risk and Reliability Strategies
Fundamentals for Optimizing Performance
PD618 PD619
RISK AND RELIABILITY � PUBLIC COURSES This three-day course provides an introduction and extensive discussion Intended to bridge the gap between designers/maintainers and
of many different tools for root cause analysis. Each one is presented in reliability engineers, this course provides a clear explanation of the
an easy-to-follow structure: a general description of the tool, its purpose value and benefits of maintenance management to foster risk and
and typical applications, the procedure when using it, an example of its reliability strategies. Participants will examine the role of maintenance in
use, a checklist to help you make sure it is applied properly along with minimizing the risk of safety or environmental incidents, adverse publicity
different forms and templates (contained in the book provided with the and loss of profitability. Participants will also discuss risk reduction
course materials). strategies and tools, focusing on their applicability to specific situations,
enabling them to select the tool that best fits their requirements.
The examples used can be tailored to many different industries and
markets. The layout of this course has been designed to help speed Each participant will receive a copy of the book Effective Maintenance
participants’ learning through short videos depicting well-known Management: Risk and Reliability Strategies for Optimizing Performance
scenarios for analysis in class. by Vee Narayan, in addition to a table of fixed format codes that can
be used directly or adapted for use in most maintenance management
Each participant will receive a copy of the book Root Cause Analysis: systems.
Simplified Tools and Techniques (2nd Edition), by Bjørn Andersen and
Tom Fagerhaug. You Will Learn To
• Explain which management tasks are required and when they must
You Will Learn To
• Explain the concept of root cause analysis be done to achieve optimum performance and reliability
• Describe how to use tools for problem cause brainstorming • Describe the risk reduction model, which links maintenance to
• Develop strategies for problem cause data collection and analysis
• Deploy tools for root cause identification and elimination these risks
• Practice ways of implementation solutions • Explain the connection between maintenance and safety, profitability
Who Should Attend and asset life
All professionals involved in maintenance and reliability management
strategies and tasks Who Should Attend
All professionals involved in maintenance and reliability management
Instructors Marcus Goncalves, Brian Porter strategies and tasks
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090 Instructors Marcus Goncalves, Brian E. Porter
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Member $1,990 / List Price $2,090
76 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763