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Ted Anderson, Ph.D., P.E., chief technology officer at Quest Integrity       Patrick (“Pat”) Cooper, P.E., has over 30 years’ experience in the                INSTRUCTOR PROFILES
Group, is a world-renowned expert in fracture mechanics and fitness-        design, specification, maintenance and troubleshooting of process
for-service methods. He is the author of a best-selling book on fracture   equipment within the petrochemical industry. He has held lead project
mechanics, which has been adopted as a required text in over 100           engineering roles on several mega onshore and offshore oil and gas
universities worldwide. He was instrumental in the development of          projects. While at Shell, he provided machinery technical support to
the original API 579 Fitness-for-Service document and continues to         the downstream refining and chemical plants along the gulf coast. His
be active on the joint API/ASME Fitness-for-Service Committee. He          upstream project engineering experience focused on facility design
founded Structural Reliability Technology (SRT) in 1995, which was         from Shell’s New Orleans design office. Cooper brings his knowledge
acquired by the Quest Integrity Group in 2007. Previously, he was a        and experience of bolting and flange design to share his design and
member of the mechanical engineering faculty at Texas A&M University.      maintenance practices for achieving flange tightness after maintenance
Prior to that he was a senior research engineer at The Welding Institute   turnarounds and commissioning/startup of new production facilities. He
in Cambridge, England. He received a PhD in metallurgy from the            has been a member of ASME for 35 years; and serves on the University
Colorado School of Mines.                                                  of Louisiana mechanical engineering Industry Advisory Board, advising
                                                                           university staff on research and curriculum to address industry’s
George Antaki, P.E., Becht Engineering, is a Fellow of ASME with over      technical needs
40 years’ experience in pressure equipment. He is internationally
recognized for his expertise in design, analysis and fitness-for-service    Gary Dichtenberg is the president of Professional Development
evaluation of pressure equipment and piping systems. Antaki is             Associates, a training and development consulting firm, dedicated
Chairman of ASME B31 Mechanical Design Committee, Chairman                 to assist organizations and individuals achieve their highest level
of ASME III Working Group Piping Design, member of the ASME III            of performance excellence. Previously he was vice president of
Subgroup Component Design, ASME QME and ASME Operation and                 training and development for Citicorp and also served as manager of
Maintenance Subgroup Piping. He is the author of three textbooks           management development at Consolidated Edison, where he directed
on the subject of pressure equipment design and integrity evaluation,      a broad developmental strategy. He is a member of the commercial
including Fitness-for-Service for Piping, Vessels, and Tanks. Antaki       panel of the American Arbitration Association, the Network of
earned his degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Liege,     Organizational Development practitioners and the American Society
Belgium and his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from             for Training and Development. He holds a BA degree in history from
Carnegie Mellon University.                                                Hofstra University. He holds a M.S in organizational psychology from
                                                                           Columbia University and an MSW from Yeshiva University.
Robert D. Blevins, Ph.D., has over 25 years’ experience in flow-
induced vibration. He is a member of the ASME Special Working Group        Paul Drake developed the successful application of Six Sigma
on Structural Dynamics and the Pressure Vessel Research Council’s          mechanical processes at Raytheon Systems Company, where he
Committee on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure Components. Blevins              co-managed the Mechanical Tolerancing and Performance Sigma
received a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology, and has      Center for Excellence. Drake is an ASME certified senior level
taught at the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State      geometric dimensioning and tolerancing professional, a registered
University. Blevins has consulted for government and industrial clients,   professional engineer and has earned a Six Sigma black belt.
and has directed testing of towed marine systems for the U.S. Navy
at David Taylor Model Basin. At General Atomics Company from 1974          Alex Garbolevsky, P.E., joined Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) Inspection &
through 1985, he developed methodology for the analysis and design
of power plant heat exchangers to prevent destructive vibration.           Insurance Company in 1979, after serving in the US Navy as a Main Propulsion
Currently, Blevins is Chief of Structural Dynamics at Rohr Industries, a   Assistant. Garbolevsky’s main concentration at HSB is providing support for
major subcontractor for aircraft structural systems. He has written three  inspector training and external seminars as well as providing support for ASME
books and over thirty papers on fluid flow, structural dynamics, and         BPV Code Sections III, V and IX. Garbolevsky holds National Board “AI” and
flow-induced vibration.                                                     “IS” Commissions with “B”, “I”, “N”, “NS”, and “R” endorsements. Prior to his
                                                                           assignment to the Codes and Standards division in 2000, Garbolevsky spent 13
Greg W. Brown, Ph.D., is principal consulting engineer and general         years in Germany representing HSB Global Standards in more than 25 countries,
manager of Advanced Engineering for the Quest Integrity Group. In          serving in positions ranging from Authorized Inspector to Technical Managing
2001, he joined Ted Anderson at Structural Reliability Technology,         Director of HSB International GmbH. From 1993 - 2002 he served as Chairman
which later became part of Quest Integrity Group. Previously, he           of ISO/TC-11 Technical Committee for Boilers and Pressure Vessels and currently
developed algorithms to update industrial finite element models             is a member of ASME’s Standards Committee on Nondestructive Examination,
using experimental measurements and performed flutter analyses              Subgroup on International Materials Specifications, Subgroup on Volumetric
of F16 and F18 fighter aircraft. Anderson, Brown and the engineers          Methods, Working Group Radiography and Subgroup on Brazing. He holds a
at Structural Reliability Technology performed much of the work that       B.A. in Chemistry from the College of the Holy Cross, and an M.S. in Engineering
was incorporated into API 579. He currently performs computational         Science from the Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute.
mechanics and CFD analyses, specializing in litigation and failure
analysis. His group performs Fitness-for-Service assessments for a         Joe Frey, staff consultant at Stress Engineering Services, Inc. (SES), is a
variety of industries using API 579. Brown also develops specialized       licensed engineer who previously spent 24 years at Houston Lighting
software and methodologies for structural analysis and life assessment.    & Power and Reliant Energy where he was responsible for providing
                                                                           engineering support for the FFS program for all boilers, pressure
Bruce Chehroudi, Ph.D., is an award-winning engineer/scientist/R&D         vessels and high energy piping. Since joining SES in 2004 he has
manager. He has nearly twenty years experience in automotive,              worked several emergency repairs, including eight fire assessments in
aerospace, energy, environment, nanotechnology and medicine. He            the last four years. He is currently chair of the ASME B31.1 Power Piping
has worked at Raytheon STX, Ford, Air Force Research Laboratory,           Code Committee.
Princeton University, General Motors and NASA. He has been a
technical and R&D consultant for organizations such as Honda R&D,          Marcus Goncalves is an Assistant Professor of Management at Nichols
Honeywell, NASA, GE, Boeing, TRW, General Motors, Amgen and                College and an Adjunct Professor at Boston University. He has more
GlaxoSmithKline. Chehroudi earned a Ph.D. in mechanical & aerospace        than 20 years’ of management consulting experience in the United
engineering, and was a post-doctoral fellow at Princeton University        States, Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Goncalves
and was awarded an MS in mechanical engineering from Southern              is the former CTO and earlier the CKO of Virtual Access Networks, a
Methodist University and an MS in economics and management from            startup that – under his leadership – was awarded the best enterprise
Swiss Finance Institute. He has more than 150 publications and patents.    product at the International Comdex Fall 2000 after only thirteen
                                                                           months after the company’s inception, which led six months later to
                                                                           the acquisition of the company by Symantec. Goncalves is also the
                                                                           former CEO of iCloud, Inc., which was later acquired by GenExpo,
                                                                           and the former COO of, a successful online

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