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Stephen Kavanaugh, Ph.D., is a Professor Emeritus of Mechanical                Krieger holds certification as a CET-S with the National Association         INSTRUCTOR PROFILES
Engineering at the University of Alabama, where he taught Mechanical           of Elevator Contractors, QEI with the National Association of Elevator
Engineering for 26 years; including courses covering HVAC, energy              Safety Authorities International, journeyman mechanic and NEIEP
conservation, instrumentation and measurement, heat transfer and               instructor with the International Union of Elevator Constructors and
senior design. Considered an international authority in ground source          certified biomedical equipment technician with clinical lab specialty
heat pump technology and use, Kavanaugh’s dissertation contained               with International Union of Operating Engineers.
the basis for his development and design software that is now the
industry standard for these systems. He is a Fellow of both ASHRAE             Nancy M. Kyle has nearly thirty years’ software experience in
and ASME, and has been an ASHRAE Scholarship Trustee and served                government and commercial nuclear and non-nuclear facilities. Her
on the Heat Transfer, Geothermal Energy (served as chair), Heating and         professional areas of expertise include software quality assurance,
Cooling Loads and Applied Heat Pumps and Heat Recovery Technical               software engineering, process control engineering management,
Committees. Kavanaugh’s principal area of HVAC research is ground              information technology management, strategic planning, and change
source (geothermal) heat pumps, and his research efforts have been              management, with experience developing, implementing and assessing
supported by ASHRAE, the Electric Power Research Institute, the                programs and processes compliant with ASME NQA-1 (1989, 2000,
Environmental Protection Agency (Energy Star), Tennessee Valley                2004, 2008 w/2009 addenda), 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, 10 CFR 830
Authority, the Southern Company, and others.                                   Appendix A, DOE O414.1C, and DOE RW-0333P. Kyle has performed
                                                                               numerous assessments of software quality assurance program
Medhat Khalil, Ph.D., is the Director of Professional Education &              compliance throughout the Department of Energy Complex and
Research Development at the Applied Technology Center, Milwaukee               commercial nuclear industry as well as performing supplier qualification
School of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical                     audits for multiple DOE projects. She is currently the Secretary of the
Engineering and his Post-Doctoral Industrial Research Fellowship at            ASME NQA-1 Subcommittee on Software Quality Assurance, and a
Concordia University in in Montréal. He has been certified by and is            certified NQA-1 Lead Auditor. Kyle graduated from Southwest Missouri
a member of many institutions, such as the International Fluid Power           State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer
Society (IFPS), where he is also a board member; the National Fluid            Science.
Power Association (NFPA); and a member and professional instructor
of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Medhat has a               David E. Lay, BA, MBA, is the director of training for Hytorc, the largest
vast working experience in the field of mechanical engineering and              manufacturer of hydraulic bolting tools. He has been involved in
more specifically hydraulics, having developed and taught fluid power            teaching both the theoretical and practical aspects of heavy industrial
system training courses for industry professionals, being familiar             bolting since 1992, and has been involved in corporate training for
with the technological developments in the field of fluid power and              25 years. He is author of several multimedia courses that have been
motion control and the production program of the leading fluid power            adopted as teaching standards for union apprentice programs in the
companies. He has also designed several hydraulic systems based                millwright and pipefitter trades across North America. He brings a
on ISO-Standard and developed several analytical and educational               practical view of complex problems that can be understood by workers
software.                                                                      and non-engineers, yet withstands the rigors of quantitative review. Lay
                                                                               is a member of ASME’s Post-Construction Standards Committee and
Carolyn Kolovich has over 16 years’ of pipeline industry experience.           Bolted Flange Joint Subcommittee, which recently created the PCC-
She began her career at Kiefner and Associates, Inc. upon graduation           1-2010 Guidelines for Pressure Vessel Boundary Bolted Flange Joint
from The Ohio State University with a degree in Mechanical                     Assembly document.
Engineering. During her career, she has participated in a variety of
pipeline related projects with a focus on pipeline integrity and reliability.  John D. Lay is the Director of Training for Hytorc, the largest
Ms. Kolovich has experience in fitness-for-service assessments,                 manufacturer of hydraulic bolting tools, responsible for North and South
remediation plans, reassessment interval determination, defect                 America. He has been involved in the teaching of both the theoretical
assessment and codes and standards development. She is an ongoing              and practical aspects of heavy industrial bolting since 2003 and has
member of the ASME B31.4 code committee.                                       been involved in corporate training for over 20 years. Lay has assisted
                                                                               in the development of several multimedia courses that have been
Chris Krantz is the Training Manager for Hytorc. With more than a              adopted as teaching standards for union apprentice programs in the
decade of hands-on experience in all facets of industrial bolting,             millwright and pipefitter trades across North America. He is an Affiliate
particularly in the petrochemical area, he brings a unique combination         Member of ASME and brings a practical view of complex problems
of practical and theoretical experience to the subject of bolted joint         that can be understood by workers and non-engineers, yet withstands
integrity. His expertise extends beyond the nuts and bolts to the design       the rigors of quantitative review. He is a member of the ASME Bolting
and application of data and learning management systems in support of          Specialist Qualification Program Advisory Committee. Lay is also an
plant and process controls. Krantz is the key qualifier/inspector/trainer       adjunct faculty member at Texas A&M University Engineering Extension
and advisory group member responsible for vetting Authorized Training          Service, for which he teaches the OSHA #7110 - Safe Bolting: Principles
Providers under the new ASME Bolting Specialist Qualification Program.          & Practices course.
This innovative blended-learning approach to assembler qualification
has benefitted directly from his design ideas for testing centers and           Robert Allan Leishear, Ph.D., P.E., is an ASME Fellow and a
competence evaluation criteria. He teaches the ASME “Principles                Consulting Engineer for Leishear Engineering, LLC. His studies and
of Bolted Joints per PCC-1-2013” (ASME PD577) and is the principal             accomplishments focus on fluid flow, piping design, vibrations, failure
instructor for the OSHA Training Institute “Safe Bolting: Principles and       analysis and fluid machinery, as well as explosions in piping systems.
Practices” (OSHA #7110) course..                                               He has extensive experience in research, design engineering, test
                                                                               engineering and plant engineering. Leishear has taught troubleshooting
Robert Krieger is a consultant in the elevator industry and a provider         courses on vibration analysis, pumps, piping and fluid mechanics to
and facilitator of educational and administrative services to employers        ensure safety and identify cost efficiencies by analyzing and preventing
participating in vertical transportation education programs including the      failures of plant machinery and piping systems. He has served on
National Association of Elevator Contractors Educational Certification          several ASME Committees, and is currently a member of the ASME B31.3
Programs. He has over 25 years’ experience in the conveyance                   Committee Subgroup on Design, the ASME B31 Mechanical Design
industry, first as a mechanic and then as an inspector for the city of Los      Committee, the ASME Section VIII Task Group on Impulsively Loaded
Angeles and the state of California. He is also an American Red Cross          Vessels, and the B31.3 Process Piping Committee. Leishear earned
certified instructor in first aid, CPR with AED for adult, child and infant.     his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University,
                                                                               and both his Masters and Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from

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