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company, an equipment vendor and a consulting firm. The author of at Sheridan College. He is a member of the B31.1 Power Piping
more than 50 technical papers and reports, Sundararajan received the Section Sub Group on Design. Wilson has taught piping design and
ASME Best Paper Award in 1986. engineering courses for 30 years. He has been involved with the
design, analysis, layout and support of piping systems since 1963,
Rick Swayne is a senior consultant with Reedy Engineering. He with petrochemical, power, steel, mining and processing companies in
has worked in many different areas of the nuclear power industry North America and Europe and is currently working as a piping stress
for over 20 years. Swayne has experience in design, fabrication, engineer with experience in Caesar II, Caepipe and Autopipe analysis
quality assurance, inservice inspection, and repair, replacement and programs. Wilson is the author of Detail Engineering and Layout of
modification activities. Piping Systems and is former chair of ASME’s Ontario Section.
INSTRUCTOR PROFILES John P. Swezy Jr. is the founder of Boiler Code Tech, LLC, which provides Andrew Wolosik is the piping lead designer with Teng & Associates
consulting services for ASME Non-Nuclear Pressure Equipment. He has over in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. He has over 14 years’ experience in
35 years’ experience in steam and combustion driven prime mover electrical the oil and gas refining and petrochemical industries. He has worked
generation plants and associated engineering auxiliary systems, and over for world class EPCM companies, such as Bechtel/Bantrel and AMEC,
20 years’ experience in developing and implementing detailed procedures, where he has been involved in plant layout for large to small projects,
work instructions and QC programs for design, welded fabrication, repairs and including assignments in the United Kingdom and China. Wolosik has
alterations of pressure equipment following ASME, B31, NBIC, API, DOT and extensive experience in CAD coordination, estimating, 3D modeling,
various International Codes and Standards. Swezy also has extensive experience plant layout and 3D model design reviews, and has worked with and
in the area of nondestructive examination. He has been a member of various managed Autoplant and PDS software systems. Additionally, he is Six
ASME Codes & Standards Committees since 1996, and is a National Board Sigma certified.
Commissioned Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector and an American Welding
Society Certified Welding Inspector (CWI). Swezy served honorably in the U.S. Carl Zweben, Ph.D., has over 40 years’ commercial and aerospace
Navy in various engineering capacities onboard nuclear powered submarines, experience in composite materials technology. He pioneered a
completing his service as the Machinery Division Leading Chief Petty Officer. He wide range of commercial and aerospace composite applications,
earned his Associate of Science degree from the State University of New York. including machine components, thermal management, micoelectronic
and optoelectronic packaging, spacecraft and aircraft structures,
Jay Vattappilly, P.Eng., provides training, technical support/code automobiles, wind turbines, pressure vessels and weapon systems.
consulting on ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections I, IV, VIII
& IX for HSB Global Standards. He has taught courses that cover ASME SAVE THE DATE!
Sections I, VIII, and IX, as well as ASME B31.1 and NBIC for many years.
Vattappilly’s previous work experience has principally been in the area May 21-25, 2018, Houston, TX
of pressure equipment construction, working in the role of a QA/QC Pressure Vessel & Piping Failures:
Engineer, an Inspection Engineer for a large engineering consulting Causes, Prevention and Repair
firm servicing refineries and petrochemical plants, a welding engineer …a Case Study Learning Series
responsible for both structural and pressure vessel welding activity,
as well as a design engineer of pressure equipment constructed The Program provides practical examination of the
to ASME Sections I, IV, B31.1 and VIII. He holds a PE license from fundamental causes of pressure equipment failures and
Ontario, Canada and National Board Commission with “NS” and “A” describes how the failures could have been prevented.
endorsements. Vittappilly is Chair of the Subgroup on Design for BPV A series of short courses are offered, with each course
I and a member of Committee on Power Boilers for BPV I. He is also a addressing the fundamentals of a specific damage
member of the Subgroup on Design, BPV VIII, Subgroup on Toughness; mechanism, its causes and characteristics, method of
BPV VIII, Special Committee on Interpretations, BPV VIII; and the inspection to detect damage, and techniques to evalu-
Subgroup on Materials, BPV I. ate the component’s fitness-for-service.
Randy Wacker, P.E., has over 35 years’ experience in the design, specification, TOPICS INCLUDE
maintenance and troubleshooting of process equipment, including 20 years
in three DuPont Petrochemical Plants coupled with an additional 13 years as a • Overview: PVP Integrity Assessment and Repair
consultant in the DuPont Engineering Technology, Process Equipment Group. Using ASME/API Codes
Wacker is currently the Senior Consultant for Inertech, Inc. where he provides •
PVRC leak-tight gasket solutions for bolted flange connections and a wide • General Metal Loss Corrosion
range of process equipment. He is a committee member of the ASME Special Local Thin Areas
Working Group for Bolted Flange Connections, the ASME RTP-1 FRP Committee, • Pitting Corrosion
ASTM F03 on Gaskets, the SAE AMS Aerospace G9 Committee on Sealing, • Stress Corrosion Cracking
and spent over seven years as member of the NBIC (National Board Inspection • Flow-Induced Vibration in Pipes
Code). He is also a member of the European Sealing Association (ESA), the Fluid • Waterhammer Damage in Pipes
Sealing Association (FSA), and is a founding member of the Advisory Group that • Pressure Relief Systems
developed the training program for ASME PCC-1 Bolting Specialist Qualification. • High Temp Creep and Creep Fatigue Simulations
Mr. Wacker has authored ASME PVP 2008-61410 (finite element analysis for the …and more
PVRC BFJ committee), and has recently published eight magazine articles that
discuss various sealing considerations for bolted flange connections. Program details will be posted on the MasterClass web-
site as soon as available.
Ed Wilcox is a staff machinery engineer with the Energy Technology Be sure to check or
Company (ETC) of Chevron. Previously he worked for Conoco and contact Jennifer Delda at
Lyondell Chemical as a machinery engineer. He has a BS in mechanical
engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla and a BS from
Oklahoma State University. Wilcox is a Vibration Institute category IV
vibration specialist and a registered professional engineer in Oklahoma.
Bob Wilson is an engineering consultant with TWD Technologies
in Burlington, Ontario, Canada and former engineering professor
86 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763