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INSTRUCTOR PROFILES  parking reservation company. He holds a masters degree in Computer           & Wilcox Nuclear Power Generation Group in areas of design, code
                     Information Systems, a BA in Business Administration, and is a doctoral      certification, completed component shipping, quality assurance and
                     candidate on Education at Boston University. He has published                technical training on nuclear and non-nuclear codes and standards.
                     more than 35 books and is often invited to speak on these subjects           Hollinger is retired from Babcock & Wilcox as well as from Becht
                     worldwide. As president of MGCG, Inc. he specializes on leadership           Engineering’s Nuclear Services Division in Akien, South Carolina. He
                     and innovation, knowledge, project, change and risk management               continues as an Advisor for Becht Engineering Co., Inc. Hollinger is
                     practices. Marcus is also a member of the Project Management                 also retired from several Nuclear and non-Nuclear Code Committees
                     Institute.                                                                   and Boards, and is currently a contributing member of ASME Boiler and
                                                                                                  Pressure Vessel Section III Subcommittee on Design. He is an ASME
                     Dyer Harris, Ph.D., P.E., is the president of Equipment Engineering          Section III Appendix XXIII Certified Registered Professional Engineer,
                     Services in Wilmington, DE. Until recently, he was also a senior             and serves in that capacity for Becht Engineering’s Nuclear Services
                     consulting engineer with the Warren Group. He has over 30 years’             Division. In 2004 he was honored with the ASME Pressure Vessels and
                     experience in industrial thermal systems analysis, heat exchangers,          Piping Division Medal.
                     process equipment, two-phase flow and HVAC. As a research engineer
                     for DuPont at the Savannah River Site (SRS), Harris specialized in           Gene Imbro has worked in the commercial nuclear power industry
                     heat transfer at high thermal flux in reactors and heat transfer related      since 1969 and has broad knowledge of light water reactor (LWR)
                     to nuclear waste processing. As a consulting engineer, he analyzes,          designs and operation. He worked at a nuclear steam supply system
                     designs and troubleshoots heat treatment processes for various               vendor and an architect/engineering firm before joining the United
                     industries. Harris has been an instructor in thermodynamics and heat         States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) where he worked for
                     transfer for the University of South Carolina - Aiken, Villanova University  33 years. At the US NRC Imbro served as deputy director in both the
                     and currently at the University of Delaware.                                 Division of Engineering and the Division of Construction Inspection and
                                                                                                  Operational Programs. For over 30 years he has actively participated
                     Ronald W. Haupt, P.E., has more than 40 years’ experience in the             in many ASME standards committees, including Sections III and XI, the
                     design and analysis of industrial process and energy-related structures,     ASME Operations and Maintenance Code and NQA-1. Imbro currently
                     equipment, piping, pipelines and supports. Currently a consulting            chairs the Section III Special Working Group on Regulatory Interface
                     piping engineer for Pressure Piping Engineering Associates, he is            and is a member of the Section III Subgroup General Requirements.
                     an active member of several ASME and other national codes and                Since his retirement from the NRC, he has performed consulting work
                     standards committees.                                                        for foreign regulators as well as ASME and industry groups related to
                                                                                                  small modular reactors.
                     Jeff Henry has worked in the power industry for more than 35 years,
                     where his activities have focused on the elevated temperature behavior       San Iyer, Ph.D., has over 20 years’ experience in the nuclear pressure
                     of materials, failure analysis, condition assessment, and welding            vessel and piping industry. He is currently the manager of the
                     metallurgy. Mr. Henry is active on several technical committees of the       engineering group responsible for the reactor design/analysis and
                     ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and is current chairman of BPV          fabrication with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Iyer has guided several
                     II as well as the chair of the Task Group on Creep Strength Enhanced         professional engineers for the successful completion of projects in
                     Ferretic Steels.                                                             nuclear pressure vessel and piping design, fabrication and installation
                                                                                                  at reactor sites. His work has been published in several international
                     Dyke Hicks joined Kiefner in 2015 after over six years with Koch             journals and presented at conferences. Iyer is a member of the Design
                     Pipeline LLC and 13 years with Baker Hughes. His career began                & Analysis Committee in the Pressure Vessel & Piping division of ASME.
                     working in the energy sector recording and interpreting information
                     from oil and gas wells on land and offshore. He then moved into               William S. Janna Ph.D., is a professor of mechanical engineering at
                     the field of pipeline integrity helping to develop a new inspection           the University of Memphis, where he has taught for nearly 25 years.
                     system for difficult pipelines. Hicks was involved in tool design, data        He earned his BS, MS, and PhD degrees from the University of Toledo.
                     interpretation and the managing the U.S. operations of this division.        Previously, Janna worked at the University of New Orleans for 11 years,
                     He then moved to Koch Pipeline LLC, and worked within the integrity          including four years’ service as chair of the Mechanical Engineering
                     group. There, he managed the daily integrity operations and focused          Department. He has written three textbooks, including Introduction
                     on some of the more challenging problems pipeline operators face. He         to Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Heat Transfer and Design of Fluid
                     also took a field assignment to help develop project managers. Hicks          Thermal Systems, and has written numerous research papers as well
                     is a member of ASME. He earned his BS in electrical engineering from         as been a contributing editor to several handbooks. Janna serves as a
                     Iowa State University and his BS in mathematics/economics from the           textbook reviewer for Applied Mechanical Reviews.
                     University of Iowa. He has authored several papers regarding pipeline

                     Jack Hipple is a principal of Innovation-TRIZ based in Tampa, Florida.       Reza Javaherdashti, Ph.D., is the author of “Microbiologically
                     He leads innovation problem solving sessions with clients and trains in      Influenced Corrosion” and co-author of “Corrosion and Materials in the
                     the TRIZ Inventive Problem Solving Process and other state-of-the-art        Oil and Gas Industries.” With over 20 years’ experience in the oil and
                     innovation and creativity methods. Hipple has 35 years’ experience in        gas industry (including sub-sea, off-shore, and on-shore), his experience
                     the chemical and materials industries and in the use of innovation and       also covers other related disciplines, such as fracture mechanics,
                     creativity tools, including 26 years with Dow Chemical, where he was         forensic engineering, integrity, corrosion management, FEED, design
                     responsible for global chemical engineering research as well as for          and materials selection. Javaherdashti’s background in Metallurgy
                     the Discovery Research program at its largest technology location in         and Materials Science and Engineering strengthens his expertise in
                     Michigan. Subsequently, he was responsible for major new technology          the fields of weld inspection, mechanical failure assessment (HISC,
                     programs at Ansell Edmont and Cabot Corporation. Prior to forming his        SCC, SSCC, MICSCC), microbial corrosion treatment, biocide/inhibitor
                     own company, Hipple was a senior consultant with Idea Connections            selection and application and employment of CRA, CP design, coating
                     and business development manager for Ideation International, a               evaluation for both sour and sweet corrosion conditions. In addition
                     leading developer of TRIZ methodologies.                                     to being an accomplished field engineer and consultant, he has
                                                                                                  conducted considerable academic research, authoring over 50 journal
                     Greg L. Hollinger has 40 years’ experience in power related industries,      / conference papers addressing corrosion management and microbial
                     including commercial nuclear power and other nuclear power                   corrosion.
                     technologies. Thirty years of that experience was with The Babcock

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