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INSTRUCTOR PROFILES the University of South Carolina. Currently he is matriculating in the consulting services to the pressure vessel industry. He is a member and
University of South Carolina’s Ph.D. program for Nuclear Engineering. past vice chair of ASME Code Subcommittee VIII, a member of ASME
Leishear has also written more than fifty research publications, which Post Construction Committee, ASME/API Joint Committee on Fitness-
includes the ASME text book, Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer, Dynamic for-Service and a number of other professional organizations. He is also
Stresses, and Piping Design. a past chair of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee (PVRC).
Mohammad A. Malek, Ph.D., P.E., is an internationally recognized Frederick J. Moody has spent more than four decades with General
boiler and pressure vessel expert with over 30 years’ experience in Electric Company designing and analyzing boiling water nuclear
design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, inspection, reactors, containment, components and fluid flow systems. He has
and repair of boilers and pressure vessels. Currently he is a pressure taught advanced engineering courses for the company and as an
systems manager and subject matter expert at Stanford University – adjunct professor at San Jose University. Moody received the George
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, California. Previously, Malek Westinghouse Gold Medal Award in 1980, the ASME Pressure Vessel
worked for Kellogg Brown and Root as senior technical advisor, for and Piping Award in 1999, and was inducted into the Silicon Valley
Mustang Engineering as senior mechanical engineer and for the states Engineers Hall of Fame in 2000.
of Florida and Maine as chief boiler inspector. He was adjunct professor
at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, Florida. Malek Albert J. Moore Jr., is a principal of Marion Testing & Inspection,
has served on ASME committees (Conference Committee, CSD-1 and which provides welding and NDT consulting services and third party
QFO Committee, and has been an ASME instructor for boiler and inspections. His credentials include AWS senior certified welding
pressure vessel courses since 2001. Malek has authored several books, inspector with five endorsements and a NOCTI certified welding
including Power Boiler Design, Inspection, and Repair (McGraw-Hill, instructor. He currently holds ASNT ACCP Professional NDT Level III
2004), Pressure Relief Devices (McGraw Hill, 2005) and Heating Boiler certificates in four NDT test methods: RT, UT, MT and PT. Moore earned
Operator’s Manual (McGraw Hill, 2006). an AS in civil technology (steel design), a BS in applied science and
technology (welding technology) and an MBA as well as a certificate
Jackie Martin of Training Systems, Inc., is dedicated to helping small of professional development from the Department of Welding
and medium size organizations enhance their ability to recruit, inspire Engineering of Ohio State University. He has been certified for the
and retain quality employees and improve performance through SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW, and SAW processes. He is a member of
training. The company also provides training design and facilitation the AWS Certification Committee and the AWS Committee for Methods
services to training companies, the training departments of large of Inspection as well as several certification subcommittees and the
companies and trade and professional associations. Martin is also subcommittees responsible for the Guide to Visual Inspection of Welds
currently a leader in an international direct selling organization where and the Welding Inspection Handbook. Moore is also a contributing
she directs a team of independent business owners providing support author for Inspection Trends published quarterly by the AWS.
and training both on a local and national level. She is the former
director of communications and training for Citizens Against Crime and Norman P. Moreau, P.E., is president and a senior management
a national franchise company, for which she has facilitated thousands of consultant for Theseus Professional Services, LLC. He has been
seminars for companies across the country. involved in software development and software quality assurance for
over 20 years. Since 1990, he has been an active participant on the
Patrick J. McCuistion, Ph.D., GDTPS, created all the figures for the ASME Committee on Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA). Moreau was
Y14.43 standard. He was an associate professor in the Engineering recently elected the first chair of the new Subcommittee on Software
Technology and Management Department at Ohio University for 25 Quality Assurance. Moreau has been a subject matter expert, auditor
years. He taught geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, dimensional and appraiser on the behalf of commercial and government users of
analysis, quality management systems, Microsoft Office Suite, and computer software. He is a registered professional engineer and holds
technical writing. He also taught at Texas A&M University and Pittsburg a BS in mechanical engineering and a MS in software engineering
State University. McCuistion worked in various engineering design, administration.
drafting, and design and drafting checking positions. He has provided
instruction in geometric dimensioning, dimensional analysis, and W. Greg Morris, P.E., is a senior principal engineer at Kiefner/Applus-
dimensional metrology to industry, military, and educational institutions. RTD. He has more than 20 years’ experience throughout the pipeline
McCuistion has authored a book on geometric dimensioning, as well industry, with a focus on pipeline materials, defect assessment and
as ASME instructor-supported online courses and self-study internet integrity management. Morris has performed failure investigations of
courses covering drawing formats, line conventions and lettering, pipe and components from both natural gas and hazardous liquids
orthographic and pictorial views, dimensioning and tolerancing, and pipelines including failures involving line pipe, fittings, fabricated
drawing revisions. McCuistion is active in many ASME/ANSI Y14 codes components, girth welds, fabrication welds, prior repairs and flanged
and standards committees. connections. As an AWS Certified Welding Inspector, he has qualified
welding procedures and welders for both new construction and
Jim E. Meyer, P.E., is principal engineer at Louis Perry and Associates, maintenance (e.g., in-service) welding applications. Morris has
an engineering and architectural firm. He is experienced in overall developed relative risk ranking models for both liquids and gas pipeline
project coordination/management, pressure equipment, piping operators, including enhancements of the Kiefner-NGA risk model to
design, analysis, specifications, support design, mechanical system incorporate additional threats and threat interaction. He is an active
requirements and documentation requirements, including ASME piping member of API Subcommittee 5, which maintains API 5L. Previously,
and pressure vessel codes, stress analysis, field troubleshooting piping he was a member of the Task Group of ASME Subcommittee F that
system support, vibration, and expansion problems. Involved in the developed the first edition of the ASME B16.49 Standard for induction
ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 Section committees for over 35 years, he bends.
is chair of the ASME B31.3 Process Piping Section Committee, chair of
the ASME B31 Standards Committee along with service on the ASME Larry Mullins has over 40 years of experience in the field of
Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards. He served as nondestructive examination (NDE). He has worked in a variety of
chair of ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code Section Committee. He co- capacities in this field, including inspection, technology development
authored chapters in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Companion and deployment. He is currently an independent consultant and
Guide, 4th Edition, covering the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code and the director at NxtNdT, Inc. Mullins has developed and taught courses
B31.3 Process Piping Code. covering many NDE topics, including advanced ultrasonic training.
He developed advanced examiner training modules and in-depth
Kamran Mokhtarian, P.E., has 40 years’ experience in design, NDE training for the U.S. Navy. Mullins earned his BS in materials
analysis and fabrication of pressure equipment. He presently performs from University of Massachusetts – Amherst. He is a member of the
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