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BPV Code, Section III, Division 1: Essentials: B31.4 Pipeline Transportation
Class 2 & 3 Piping Design Systems for Liquids and Slurries
Online Self-Study Course EL543 Online Assessment Based Course ZABC50 NEW!
This course provides information and instruction on the design and This course provides an introduction to the different parts of the ASME
construction of nuclear power plant piping systems and the appropriate B31.4 Standard. The B31.4 Standard establishes requirements for safe
use of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 2 & 3, design, construction, inspection, testing, operation and maintenance of
Subsection NC and ND with respect to Class 2 & 3 piping systems. While liquid pipeline systems. It was the first code to be published separately
they will be discussed briefly, detailed instruction will not be provided for oil transportation piping. Assessing pipeline integrity is an essential
on the design and construction of Class 2 & 3 pipe supports. Participant part of this Code to ensure the safe transportation of liquids, such as gas
exercises are provided as an integral part of the training program. and slurries.
PIPING AND PIPELINE � ELEARNING COURSES You Will Learn To This course covers the requirements for constructing, assembling and
• Explain Class 2/3 Piping Design by Rule methods inspecting pipelines.
• Identify Class 2/3 pipe supports design requirements
• Explain selected individual piping component design requirements 2 PDHs Price $195
• Describe the design of a simple Class 2/3 piping system
• Describe “non-Code” but related nuclear piping design issues
10 PDHs Essentials: PCC-2 Repair of Pressure
Member $295 / List Price: $395 Equipment and Piping
Essentials: B31.8 Gas Transmission Online Assessment Based Course ZABC59
and Distribution Piping Systems
This course covers an overview the contents of ASME’s PCC-2 Standard.
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC12 This includes an introduction to the repair of pressure equipment and
piping and how it is applicable in the engineering world; the general
This course introduces the requirements and scope of B31.8, including methods of repair, including welded repairs, mechanical repairs,
its history, the types of systems to which it applies, the organization and nonmetallic repairs, and bonded repairs; and specific methods of
intended use of the Codebook as well as the requirements for pipeline repair, including butt-welded insert plates in pressure components,
materials and equipment, welding and design, installation and testing of full encirclement steel reinforcing sleeves for piping, freeze plugs and
pipeline systems. nonmetallic composite repair systems.
2 PDHs Price $195 2 PDHs Price $195
Essentials: B31.1 Power Piping Essentials: ASME PTC 19.3 TW
Online Assessment Based Course ZABC14 Performance Test Code on Thermowells
This course introduces the B31.1 Power Piping code and discusses its Assessment Based Course ZABC80
relationship with BPV Code, Section I: Rules for Construction of Power
Boilers and the requirements for design, fabrication and testing. It For over 100 years, ASME Performance Test Codes (PTCs) have
covers the jurisdictional limits of the B31.1 code and the ASME Boiler provided industry with the best technical documents to conduct tests of
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I and design issues specific to power plant equipment and systems. This course introduces practical
power piping systems. Also reviewed are qualification requirements for design considerations and analysis for thermowell installations in power
operators and operating procedures for welders and brazers, along with and process piping. PTC 19.3 TW expanded the designs and variations
nondestructive examination requirements. covered by PTC 19.3. This Code is an expanded version of the
thermowell section contained in PTC 19.3-1974, and it incorporates the
2 PDHs Price $195 latest theory in the areas of natural frequency, Strouhal frequency, in-line
resonance and stress evaluation.
This course is designed for anyone who wants an introduction to and a
basic understanding of ASME’s PTC 19.3 TW.
2 PDHs Price $195
For more information, visit:
74 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763