Page 30 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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Turbo Machinery Dynamics:                                                  SAVE THE DATE!
                                       Design and Operation
                                                                                                                  May 21-25, 2018, Houston, TX
                                       PD432                                                                      Pressure Vessel & Piping Failures:
                                                                                                                  Causes, Prevention and Repair
                                       This fully revamped course provides the latest developments in aviation    …a Case Study Learning Series
                                       engines, power generation steam and gas turbines, aero-derivative
                                       engines for offshore marine applications, hydro-electric and wind          The Program provides practical examination of the
                                       turbines. Three-dimensional airfoil designs achieve higher efficiency        fundamental causes of pressure equipment failures and
                                       and greater air compressibility, elevated firing temperature in combustor  describes how the failures could have been prevented.
                                       increases power produced, and new materials technology provides            A series of short courses are offered, with each course
                                       improved resistance to fatigue failures from dynamic loads. Superior       addressing the fundamentals of a specific damage
                                       performance is the order of the day to meet the challenges of ever-        mechanism, its causes and characteristics, method of
                                       increasing demands.                                                        inspection to detect damage, and techniques to evalu-
                                                                                                                  ate the component’s fitness-for-service.
                                       The course focuses on:
DESIGN AND MATERIALS � PUBLIC COURSES  • Fuel consumption, power output, and exhaust gas emissions                TOPICS INCLUDE
                                       • Structural integrity and component life evaluation
                                       • Dominant source and techniques to dampen vibrations in helicopter        • Overview: PVP Integrity Assessment and Repair
                                                                                                                     Using ASME/API Codes
                                          and wind turbine blades                                                 • General Metal Loss Corrosion
                                       • Failures arising from cyclical loads and thermal distortion              • Local Thin Areas
                                       • Cooling techniques and isolation of hot path components from             •  Pitting Corrosion
                                                                                                                  •  Stress Corrosion Cracking
                                          elevated temperatures                                                   • Flow-Induced Vibration in Pipes
                                       • Super alloy, ceramic and composite material requirements                 • Waterhammer Damage in Pipes
                                       • Creative engineering solutions to protect environment and marine life    •  Pressure Relief Systems
                                                                                                                  •  High Temp Creep and Creep Fatigue Simulations
                                                                                                                  …and more
                                       Specially prepared bound copy of course notes and instructor’s
                                       textbook, Turbo-Machinery Dynamics: Design and Operation, will be          Program details will be posted on the MasterClass web-
                                       provided to all participants. Attendees will also receive computer         site as soon as available.
                                       codes with instructions for simulating and analyzing rotating machinery    Be sure to check or
                                       problems, and parameter measurement during tests.                          contact Jennifer Delda at

                                       You Will Learn To
                                       • Explain the basic working principles of various turbo-machines
                                       • Recognize design and operational features, and their interaction with

                                          each other
                                       • Identify new materials technology to improve durability, reduce weight

                                          and increase load- carrying capacity
                                       • Develop in-depth methods to maximize performance and meet

                                          exacting requirements
                                       • Explain application of methods to achieve stricter restrictions on

                                          environmental pollutants
                                       • Analyze technological solutions to optimize operation and achieve,

                                          oftentimes, conflicting goals

                                       Who Should Attend
                                       Design and development engineers, plant engineers, field service
                                       engineers and technical managers with product and/or project
                                       responsibility will benefit from this course. Individuals familiar with
                                       calculus and personal computers, and those with a Bachelor’s degree
                                       or equivalent work experience will have sufficient background for this

                                       Special Requirements
                                       Participants should bring a laptop to the course.

                                       Instructor Abdulla S. Rangwala
                                       5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs
                                       Member $2,860 / List Price $2,960

28 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763
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