Page 26 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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Bolted Joints and Gasket Behavior                                            Bolted Joint Assembly Principles
                                                                                                         Per PCC-1-2013

BOLTI NG � PUB LIC COURSES  Although bolted joints comprise a large percentage of all industrial         PD577 ASME Standards Course / TOP SELLER
                            fasteners, their role in the installation and assembly process is
                            poorly understood. This course provides an overview of bolted                Although the mechanical principles that make a screw or bolt work are
                            joint fundamentals, and focuses on the roles of bolts and gaskets in         elementary – the inclined plane and the lever – the proper application
                            developing and maintaining leak-tight connections of bolted flange           of those simple machine principles to seal a vertical joint or sustain a
                            joints, including troubleshooting of existing bolted flange connection.      tower crane under stress, is extremely complex. For many years, there
                                                                                                         has been recognition of the need to train, test, and certify craftsmen
                            This course examines how to assess a successful value of bolt load, as       prior to allowing them to work on significant industrial applications that
                            well as explains the importance of specifying a tightening procedure. It     may have safety and structural integrity issues. This course will train and
                            introduces the subject of PVRC leak tightness calculations and presents      test bolting personnel at the supervisory level on the technological and
                            an overview of current trends and practices to achieve reliable leak-tight   practical problems of assembling bolted joints in large-scale industrial
                            bolted joint solutions.                                                      applications.

                            You Will Learn To                                                            Participants will enjoy interactive instruction, an in-class demonstrations,
                            • Explain how the bolted joint functions as a mechanical system              and a half-day of practical application, ending in a skills certification.
                                                                                                         Participants will also receive the ASME PCC-1-2013 Guidelines for
                               that relies on the simultaneous interaction of the three primary          Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly codebook.
                               components to successfully seal the connection
                            • Assess the mechanical stress and strain of a bolt and explain the          You Will Learn To
                               challenges that one encounters when specifying an optimum bolt            • Describe the principles of joint design and reliability
                               load                                                                      • Explain the “nuts and bolts” of nuts and bolts
                            • Describe the effects of in-service conditions and how they reduce or       • Explain the concept of “load” as a bolting goal
                               increase bolt load                                                        • Describe ways to accomplish “load” (torqueing and tensioning)
                            • Describe the concept of leak-tightness as a predictable value of           • Identify factors affecting proper “load” and how to compensate for
                               gasket stress and how to use leak tightness as the basis of specifying
                               bolt loads                                                                   problems
                            • Identify conditions that create bolt failure                               • Identify the proper selection and installation of gaskets
                            • Explain the general scope of the PCC-1 Joint Assembly guidelines           • Become familiar with bolting tools of all types
                               and how compliance promotes successful sealing of bolted, gasketed        • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of various bolting
                            • Evaluate bolting torque and explain how to use it to develop                  methods and where to use them
                               maintenance procedures                                                    • Identify assembly procedures (bolting patterns, incremental

                            Course Requirement                                                              tightening, etc.)
                            Scientific calculators are required for course exercises                     • Become familiar with work planning and preparation (such as tools,

                            Who Should Attend                                                               hardware, bolting plan, safety checklists)
                            Engineers with the responsibility for, or are involved in the specification
                            and assembly of bolted joints and gasketed bolted flange connections.        Who Should Attend
                            Two years of engineering experience would be beneficial, but is not          Practicing design and manufacturing professionals involved in assembly
                            required.                                                                    of electro-mechanical hardware components in design and assembly
                                                                                                         operations, as well as engineers involved in the design, construction or
                            Instructor Randy Wacker                                                      maintenance of pressurized equipment utilizing flanged joints for the
                            2 Day, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs                                                     petroleum, refining, chemical, power and process industries
                            Member $1,525 / List Price $1,625
                                                                                                         Instructor David E. Lay, Chris Krantz
                            Save up to $1,440 by enrolling in PD601, a triple combination course         2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
                            consisting of this course (PD539), PD577 “Bolted Joint Assembly              Member $1,700 / List Price $1,800
                            Principles Per PCC-1 - 2013” and PD386 “Design of Bolted Flange
                            Joints.”                                                                     Save up to $1,440 by enrolling in PD601, a combination course
                                                                                                         consisting of this course (PD577), PD539 “Bolted Joints and Gasket
                                                                                                         Behavior” and PD386 “Design of Bolted Flange Joints.”

                            Also available as Online Instructor-Supported course EL512 “The Bolted
                            Joint” (See page 25)

                            Take This Combo Course and Save Up to $1,440!

                            Bolting Combo Course


                            This course is a combination of “Bolted Joints and Gasket Behavior” (PD539), “Design of Bolted Flange Joints” (PD386) and “Bolted Joint Assembly
                            Principles Per PCC-1-2013” (PD577). Take these courses as a combo and save up to $1,440.
                            Two years of engineering experience would be beneficial, but is not necessary.

                            Instructors Randy Wacker, David Lay, William Koves 5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs Member $2,860 / List Price $2,960

24 For complete course descriptions and to register, visit or call 1.800.843.2763
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