Page 150 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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TRACK ORGANIZERS                          Subha Kumpaty, Milwaukee School of       Emine Foust, York College, United States
Salim Azzouz, Midwestern State              Engineering, United States             Nazmul Islam, University of Texas Rio

  University, United States               Hephzibah Kumpaty, University of           Grande Valley, United States
Subha Kumpaty, Milwaukee School of          Wisconsin- Whitewater, United States   Amir Karimi, University of Texas, United

  Engineering, United States              Mohammad Mahinfalah, Milwaukee             States
                                            School of Engineering, United States   Subha Kumpaty, Milwaukee School of
Salim Azzouz, Midwestern State            Wael Mokhtar, Grand Valley State           Engineering, United States
                                            University, United States              Mohammad Mahinfalah, Milwaukee
  University, United States
Emine Foust, York College, United States  Vito Moreno, University of Connecticut,    School of Engineering, United States
Siddharthsinh Jadeja, B H Gardi College     United States                          Wael Mokhtar, Grand Valley State

  of Engineering & Technology, India      SESSION ORGANIZERS                         University, United States
Amir Karimi, University of Texas, United  Salim Azzouz, Midwestern State           Vito Moreno, University of Connecticut,

  States                                    University, United States                United States
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