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    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12                                            7-7 PROBLEM SOLVING IN ENGINEERING
                                                                    EDUCATION, RESEARCH, AND PRACTICE
    SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING EDUCATION                               7-7-1 Problem Solving in Engineering Education,

                                                                    Research, and Practice

    7-4-1 Systems Engineering and Sustainable                       Convention Center, 250C  10:45AM–12:30PM

    Engineering Education                                           Session Organizer: Vito Moreno, University of Connecticut,
                                                                    Storrs, CT, United States
    Convention Center, 250B  10:45AM–12:30PM

    Session Organizer: Subha Kumpaty, Milwaukee School of           10:45am – Teaching Capstone Thermal Systems Design
    Engineering, Milwaukee, WI, United States                       Using ANSYS ICEPAK Based Projects
                                                                    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10099
    10:45am – Kinnikinnic River Trash Collector Design              Kevin Anderson, California State Polytech University, Pomona,
    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10467                    CA, United States
    Samantha Felhofer, Kaleigh Kraft, Reilly Flynn, Amanda
    Mudlaff, Brett Samuelson, Subha Kumpaty, Milwaukee              11:06am – Explicit Evaluation of Design Readiness for
    School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI, United States             Student Refinement of Conceptual Design
                                                                    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10217
    11:06am – The Role of Higher Education Institutions             Kenji Iino, Sydrose Lp, San Jose, CA, United States,
    Regarding Climate Change: The Case of Escuela Superior          Masayuki Nakao, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo,
    Politécnica del Litoral and its Carbon Footprint in Ecuador     Japan
    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10676
    Nancy Paulina Criollo, Angel D. Ramirez, Daniel Salas,          11:27am – Introduction of Prevention Engineering Into the
    Rafael Andrade, Escuela Superior Politecnica Del Litoral,       Mechanical Engineering Curriculum
    Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador                                      Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10469
                                                                    Zbigniew Bzymek, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT,
    11:27am – The Efficacy of Spreadsheet Modelling as an            United States, Eliot Brown, E. O. Smith/UConn, Storrs, CT,
    Alternative Means of Teaching Process Simulation                United States
    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11926
    Aaron Armstrong, Subha Kumpaty, Milwaukee School of             11:48am – Climbing Bloom’s Taxonomy With Jupyter
    Engineering, Milwaukee, WI, United States                       Notebooks: Experiences in Mechanical Engineering
                                                                    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10615
    11:48am – Effect of Measuring Instrument Eccentricity and       Bryan Weber, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United
    Tilt Error on Circularity Form Error                            States
    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11937
    Chittaranjan Sahay, University of Hartford, Bloomfield, CT,      12:09pm – Introducing Sensor and Signal Processing
    United States, Suhash Ghosh, Poorna Pruthvi Chandra             Technologies With Hands-On Experiments and Software
    Malempati, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT, United    Designing Platform to Students in the Undergraduate
    States                                                          Mechanical Engineering Program
                                                                    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10624
    12:09pm – Experiential Learning in STEM at the                  Na Zhu, University of Michigan - Flint, Flint, MI, United States
    University of the District of Columbia (UDC) Through the
    Implementation of UDC Firebird Rover for the NASA Human
    Exploration Rover Challenge
    Poster Presentation. IMECE2019-12438
    Jiajun Xu, University of the District of Columbia, Washington,
    DC, United States

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