Page 28 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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Materials Division Nadai Medal Award Lecture conduct clinically meaningful, individualized joint analyses.
In this talk I will show how geometric effects, heterogeneous
4:30PM–5:15PM deformation, and experimental uncertainty have manifested
Room 151G, 1st Level, as subject-to-subject variability in the tensile response of
Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). I will also demonstrate
via computational simulations that uncertainties in fully
The Nadai Medal goes to Dr. Ellen M. Arruda for pioneering characterizing the anisotropic response of the ACL leads
and impactful research in polymer and tissue mechanics. to vastly different joint kinematics and tissue level strain
predictions. I will conclude with a discussion of the advent of
Professor Ellen M. Arruda is the Tim full-field methods and the tremendous opportunity they afford
Manganello/BorgWarner Department Chair to overcome challenges in characterization of the nonlinear,
of Mechanical Engineering, and the Maria anisotropic mechanical properties of soft tissues.
Comninou Collegiate Professor of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Michigan. Advanced Energy Systems Division Lecture &
She also holds courtesy appointments in Reception
Biomedical Engineering and in Macromolecular Science and
Engineering. Professor Arruda earned her B.S. degree in 5:00PM–7:00PM
Engineering Science (with Honors) and her M.S. degree in Solitude, 1st Floor,
Engineering Mechanics from Penn State, and her Ph.D. degree Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
in Mechanical Engineering from MIT.
Professor Arruda teaches and conducts research in the areas
of theoretical and experimental mechanics of macromolecular Gang Chen, Ph.D., Carl Richard Soderberg Professor of Power
materials, including polymers, elastomers, composites, soft Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
tissues and proteins, and in tissue engineering of soft tissues Cambridge MA
and tissue interfaces. Her recent honors and awards include
the 2019 Nadai medal from the American Society of Mechanical Gang Chen is currently Carl Richard
Engineers, the 2018 Rice medal from the Society of Engineer- Soderberg Professor of Power Engineering at
ing Science, the 2015 Outstanding Engineering Alumnus Award Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
from the Pennsylvania State University, the 2014 Distinguished Gang Chen served as the head of the
Faculty Achievement Award from the University of Michigan, Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT
the Ann Arbor Spark Best of Boot Camp award 2012, and from July 2013 to June 2017. He directs the
the 2012 Excellence in Research Award by the American Solid-State Solar Thermal Energy Conversion Center, an
Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department
of Energy. Gang Chen’s research focuses on nanoscale
Professor Arruda has more than 100 papers in scientific transport and energy conversion phenomena, and their
journals. She also holds eleven patents. Her H-index is 32 (ISI). applications in energy conversion, storage and utilization.
Professor Arruda is a Fellow of the American Society of He made seminal contributions to the understanding of heat
Mechanical Engineers, the American Academy of Mechanics, conduction in nanostructures via both modeling and
and the Society of Engineering Science. She is a member of experimental studies. He and his collaborators exploited the
the National Academy of Engineering (class of 2017). She is unique nanoscale heat conduction physics to advance
currently President of the American Academy of Mechanics. thermoelectric materials for energy conversion and create
high thermal conductivity materials for thermal management.
Obtaining the Mechanical Properties of Soft Tissues – On thermal radiation, his group developed a method to
Challenges and Opportunities measure radiation heat transfer between two surfaces down to
tens nanometer separations and experimental demonstration
Characterizing the mechanical properties of the soft tissues of that radiative heat transfer at such small spacings can exceed
the knee has been a major focus of my lab for the past several the prediction of the Planck blackbody radiation law by three
years. Obtaining the mechanical properties of soft tissues is orders of magnitude. By exploring micro/nanoscale transport
challenging for a number of reasons, the first of which is that phenomena, Gang Chen’s group is advancing a wide range
they are very soft, and direct gripping is fraught with problems. of technologies such as thermoelectric cooling and power
They are also anisotropic, therefore testing in multiple directions generation, solar thermal and solar photovoltaics, desalination
and deformation states is typically required. Our interest in and waste water treatment.
developing full-knee computational models necessitates
accurate constitutive models of the soft tissues of the knee. Nanomaterials and Structures for Efficient Utilization of
Finite element (FE) models of the knee can provide specific Solar Energy
information on individual tissue contributions with respect to
global joint function, as well as the coupling and coordination This talk will summarize research we have been conducting
among tissues during macroscopic joint motions. Computa- in exploring alternative ways to more efficiently using solar
tional models offer precise, full-field, and complete descrip- energy based on nanostructured materials, including
xxvi tions of deformation manifesting from normal motions, injury photovoltaic, thermoelectric, thermally-regenerative
causing activities, injured and diseased joints, and reconstruc- electrochemical cycle, concentrated and non-concentrated
tive procedures. FE models further have the potential to