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solar thermal technologies. We use nanostructures to reduce Applied Mechanics Koiter Lecture
the thickness of crystalline silicon thin-film solar cells and
achieved over 15% efficiency in 10 micron thick crystalline 5:30PM–6:30PM
silicon-based solar cells; we use nanostructures to improve Rooms 151 DE, 1st Level,
materials’ thermoelectric figure-of-merit and use them to build Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
solar thermoelectric generators with over 7% solar-to-electrical
energy conversion efficiency; we developed new materials for K.T. Ramesh, the Alonzo G. Decker, Jr., Professor of Science
thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle and demonstrated and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University
their high efficiency potential; we developed optically-
transparent and thermally-insulating aerogels to replace the K.T. Ramesh, the Alonzo G. Decker, Jr.,
vacuum-tube solar collectors in concentrated solar thermal Professor of Science and Engineering at
systems; and we use floating structures to boil water without Johns Hopkins University, is a leading
any optical concentration, reaching even superheated steam. authority in the areas of impact physics and
The talk will conclude with a discussion on high thermal the failure of materials under extreme
conductivity plastics. By properly align molecular orientations, conditions. Ramesh is a professor in the
we turn polyethylene into good thermal conductors that rivals Department of Mechanical Engineering, with joint
metals. These polymers have promising applications in solar appointments in Earth and Planetary Sciences and Materials
thermal systems. Website: Science and Engineering. He is the founding director of the
Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute, has written over 200
EDWARD F. OBERT AWARD archival journal publications, and is the author of the book
“Nanomaterials: Mechanics and Mechanisms.”
John H. Lienhard V, Ph.D., Abdul Latif Jameel Professor; and
Director of Water and Food Systems Lab, Massachusetts Ramesh has received numerous research awards including
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA the Murray Medal and the Lazan and Hetenyi awards, from
the Society for Experimental Mechanics. Ramesh is a Fellow
John H. Lienhard V is the Abdul Latif Jameel of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Professor of Water and Mechanical the American Academy of Mechanics, the Society for
Engineering at MIT. During more than three Experimental Mechanics, and the American Society of
decades on the MIT faculty, Lienhard’s Mechanical Engineers.
research and educational efforts have focused
on heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, Ramesh received his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical
and desalination and water purification. Lienhard received his Engineering from Bangalore University in India in 1982. He then
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in thermal engineering at studied at Brown University, where he received an Sc.M. in
UCLA from the Chemical, Nuclear, and Thermal Engineering Solid Mechanics in 1985, an Sc.M. in Applied Mathematics in
Department. He joined MIT immediately after completing his 1987, and a Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics in 1988. Ramesh joined
PhD in the Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science Johns Hopkins in 1988 and served as chair of Mechanical
Department at UC San Diego. Lienhard’s research on Engineering from 1999 to 2002.
desalination has included a wide range of thermal and
membrane-based technologies, with a focus on energy The Mechanics of Massive Dynamic Failure
efficiency and reduced environmental impact. Lienhard has
directly supervised more than 85 graduate theses and Extreme conditions often result in massive dynamic failures.
postdoctoral associates, has authored several textbooks and These conditions can be both extensive (e.g., nuclear blasts,
more than 250 peer-reviewed publications, and he holds more asteroid impacts, major earthquakes) or intensive (e.g.,
than 30 issued US patents. He is the founding director of the micrometeorite impact on a spacecraft, penetrator impact on
MIT Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab and has a target, rock bursts). The sense in which we think of massive
directed MIT’s Rohsenow Kendall Heat Transfer Lab since dynamic failure is that (a) there are large numbers of failures
1997. Lienhard is a recipient of the 2012 ASME Technical that are strongly interacting and (b) the failure propagation
Communities Globalization Medal and the 2015 ASME Heat rates must be considered to understand the interactions of
Transfer Memorial Award. the failures. The broad interest in this work is in how the
characteristic lengthscales and timescales of the dynamic
failure processes interact with the lengthscales and timescales
associated with the extreme conditions. We examine these
problems in the context of the massive failure of brittle and
quasibrittle solids. We seek to link in situ visualization of failure
mechanisms, micromechanics models for the mechanisms,
and large-scale multi-mechanism simulations to understand
extreme events.