Page 31 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 NSF-CBET Program Overview and Initiatives
National Science Foundation
NSF (National Science Foundation) Track 2:00PM–3:45PM
Room 355A,
Track Chairs: Siddiq Qidwai, NSF,
Olesya Zhupanska, University of Arizona, Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
In this event, an overview of the Chemical, Bioengineering,
In this forum, National Science Foundation (NSF) will provide Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) Division
various avenues for the IMECE community to interact will be provided with emphasis on programs and funding
with program directors from the Civil, Mechanical and opportunities. Relevant core programs from the Transport
Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division and the Chemical, Phenomena Cluster will be highlighted. The floor will then be
Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) opened to participants to ask questions.
One-on-One with NSF Program Directors
The track includes both NSF-sponsored workshops and 1:30PM–3:15PM (Session 1)
1-on-1 meetings as well as a student-centered IMECE-wide 3:45PM–5:30PM (Session 2)
poster session for NSF-funded research.
Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
Plenary: NSF-CMMI Overview and Outreach Panel
8:45AM–10:30AM Principal Investigators (PIs) will have an opportunity to discuss
Room 355A, one-on-one their research proposals and concerns with
program directors (PDs) of their choice. PDs representing
Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center the Advanced Manufacturing Program, the Mechanics &
Engineering Materials Cluster programs, the Resilient and
In the first part of this panel, an overview of the Civil, Sustainable Infrastructures Cluster programs, and the
Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) division will Transport Phenomena Cluster programs will be available.
be provided with emphasis on recent changes in organizational The meeting time of 20 minutes demands that the PIs come
structure as well as funding opportunities, e.g., the 10 Big prepared with their talking points.
Ideas. All CMMI core programs—especially the Advanced
Manufacturing Program, the Mechanics & Engineering 2019 IMECE Feedback Session
Materials Cluster programs, and the Resilient and Sustainable 10:00AM–11:00AM
Infrastructures Cluster programs—will also be highlighted. In
the second part of the panel, the floor will then be opened to Rooms 151 AB, 1st Level,
participants to address program directors representing these Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
Robert Henry Thurston Lecture
NSF Proposal Development Workshop
10:45AM–12:30PM 11:00AM–12:00PM
Room 355A, Room 151 G, 1st Level,
Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
Thurston Lecture Award to Prof. Yonggang Huang for
In this workshop, the fundamentals of successful grant pioneering work on fractal mechanics and its applications; and
proposal writing for the National Science Foundation (NSF) will for significant contributions to the development of networked
be covered. Participants will learn about key topics, including materials
the components of a successful proposal and finding the right
home for the research. Critical aspects of the merit review Yonggang Huang
process, funding profiles, and NSF programs, solicitations, and Walter P. Murphy Professor of Mechanical and Civil
other opportunities will be presented. This workshop is geared Engineering, Northwestern University
towards early career investigators at U.S. institutions seeking
to understand the NSF merit review process, but the Yonggang Huang is the Walter P. Murphy
information provided will be valuable to principal investigators Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Civil
in any stage of their career seeking to learn more about and Environmental Engineering, and Materials
proposal writing and NSF funding opportunities. Science and Engineering at Northwestern
University. His research focuses on solid
mechanics, with applications to many fields. xxix
He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering,
a foreign member of Academia Europaea, and a foreign
member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research
awards since 2016 include the Nadai Medal (2016) from ASME,
Prager Medal (2017) from the Society of Engineering Sciences,