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technology policy and engineering education as well as on          IMECE Volunteer and Student Recognition Reception
the topics of his research. Dr. Dowell’s research ranges over                                                                 5:30PM–7:00PM
the topics of aeroelasiticity, nonsteady aerodynamics, nonlinear
dynamics and structures. In addition to being author of over                                                              Salons F, 1st Floor,
300 research articles, Dr. Dowell is the author or co-author of          Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
four books, “Aeroelasticity of Plates and Shells,” “A Modern
Course in Aeroelasticity,” “Studies in Nonlinear Aeroelasticity,”  Noise Control and Acoustics Division:
and “Dynamics of Very High Dimensional Systems.” His               Per Bruel Gold Medal Award & NCAD Reception
teaching spans the disciplines of acoustics, aerodynamics,         Sponsored by: Noise Control and Acoustics Division
dynamics, and structures. Dr. Dowell received his B.S. degree
from the University of Illinois and his S.M. and Sc.D. degrees                                                                6:00PM–7:30PM
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before coming                                                             Solitude, 1st Floor,
to Duke as Dean of the School of Engineering, serving from               Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
1983 to 1999, he taught at M.I.T. and Princeton. He has also       Per Bruel Gold Medal for Noise Control and Acoustics is
worked with the Boeing Company.                                    awarded to:
                                                                   Karl Grosh, Ph.D., Fellow
Experimental Aeroelastic Models: Design and Wind tunnel            University of Michigan
Testing for Correlation with New Theory
                                                                   ASME Aerospace Division Reception
A very important function of wind tunnel models and testing        Sponsored by: Aerospace Division
is to verify a new aeroelastic theory or a new computational
method. For this purpose, experimental aeroelastic model                                                                      5:45PM–7:15PM
design and manufacturing of scaled models, model ground                                                              Deer Valley, 1st Floor,
vibration tests, and wind tunnel testing are essential to                Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
success. In the past 20 years, the Duke aeroelastic group has
designed many aeroelastic models and conducted wind tunnel         The Italian Way To Advanced Manufacturing Panel
tests to evaluate new theoretical aeroelastic theories and new     and Advanced Manufacturing Reception
computational methods. They include: (1) a high aspect ratio       Sponsored by: The Italian Trade Agency
wing model; (2) wing like plate models, delta wind-store,
flapping flag, yawed plate, and folding wings; (3) airfoil section                                                              6:00PM–8:00PM
with control surface freeplay; (4) all-movable tail with freeplay                                                          Salon D, 1st Floor,
model at the root similar to the horizontal tail of an aircraft;         Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
(5) a free-to-roll fuselage flutter model; and (6) an experimental  All are welcome to the Advanced Manufacturing Track
oscillating airfoil model at high angles of attack for measuring   Reception with complimentary food and refreshments. The
aerodynamic response. Several examples of model designs,           reception will include an exciting panel discussion by ASME
wind tunnel tests, and experimental/theoretical correlation        members and industry experts from Italy on novel technologies
studies with the theory are presented. The goal is not only        coming out of Italy and the best practices for collaborations
to evaluate a new theory or a new computational method,            between Italian and US companies and research centers in the
but also to provide new insights into nonlinear aeroelastic        area of advanced manufacturing. The Advanced Manufacturing
phenomena, flutter/LCO, and gust response.                          Track will also be presenting their Best Paper Awards during
                                                                   the reception.

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