Page 36 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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Track 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Phononics viscoelasticity in the theory of hyperelastic metamaterials.
Incorporating this effect into models is crucial given that soft
1-14-1: ACOUSTICS, VIBRATION, AND PHONONICS materials, capable of large deformation, are inherently lossy.
Wednesday, November 13, 9:45AM–10:30AM
Room 155C, Bio: William Parnell is a Professor of Applied Mathematics in
the School of Mathematics at the University of Manchester
Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center (UK) and holds an EPSRC Research Fellowship. He received a
First Class degree in Applied Mathematics from the University
Hyperelastic Metamaterials and Phononic Media: of Bristol (UK) in 1999, before moving to the University of
Stretching the Truth? Oxford (UK) to study for a Masters in Mathematical Modelling
(IMECE2019-11006) and Scientific Computing, graduating with distinction in 2000.
After a year travelling he began a Ph.D. in 2001 at the
William Parnell University of Manchester under the supervision of I. David
University of Manchester (UK) Abrahams (now Director of the Isaac Newton Institute at the
University of Cambridge), completing this in 2004. Parnell’s
xxxiv Abstract: Transformation theory is an established mechanism research interests reside principally in the development of
for the design of metamaterials. It gives rise to the required new mathematical techniques to understand the mechanical
material properties of the medium in order to direct waves in properties of inhomogeneous materials and the dynamic
the manner desired. This talk will focus on the mathematical behaviour of particulate media. More recently his work has
theory underpinning the design of both acoustic and involved linking theory with experiments in order to develop
elastodynamic metamaterials and phononic media, based on new composites and metamaterials. He has a particular
transformation theory, and some aspects of the experimental interest in understanding the constitutive behaviour of complex
confirmation of these designs. In the acoustics context it is well soft solids and tuning this via novel fillers. He leads the
known that the governing equations are transform invariant and Mathematics of Waves and Materials (MWM) research group
therefore a whole range of microstructural options are available at Manchester, which consists of a thriving group of Postdocs,
for material design; although in reality, fabricating materials Ph.D. students and Master’s students. Parnell has held visiting
that can harness incoming acoustic energy in air is difficult positions at Universite Paris 6 and 12 (France), University of
due to the usual sharp impedance contrast between air and Trento (Italy), University of Oxford (UK), and Colorado School
the metamaterial in question. In the elastodynamic context of Mines and Rutgers (USA). He has published more than
the situation is even worse, because the governing equations 60 research papers and two book chapters. He is a Fellow
are not even transform invariant and therefore a new class of of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (UK),
materials is required. In the acoustics context we will describe is the founding director of the Manchester Materials Modelling
a new microstructure consisting of an array of rigid rods that is Centre, and became Editor in Chief of the journal Wave Motion
closely impedance matched to air and slows down sound in air. in 2017.
This is shown to be useful in a number of configurations, and in
particular, it can be employed to halve the resonant frequency Track 2: Advanced Manufacturing
of the standard quarter-wavelength resonator. Alternatively,
it can halve the size of the resonator for a specified resonant 2-1-1: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING
frequency. Extensions to three-dimensional configurations will Monday, November 11, 9:45AM–10:30AM
also be discussed. In the elastodynamics context we will Room 155C,
show that, although the equations are not transformation
invariant, one can employ the theory of waves in pre-stressed, Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
hyperelastic materials in order to create natural elastodynamic
metamaterials whose inhomogeneous anisotropic material Finishing Freeform Surfaces, a New Surface
properties are generated naturally by an appropriate pre-stress. Characterization Approach, and Future Trends in
In particular, it is shown that a certain class of hyperelastic Manufacturing
materials exhibits this so-called invariance property permitting (IMECE2019-13991)
the creation of, e.g., hyperelastic cloaks and invariant
metamaterials. This has significant consequences for the Brigid Mullany
design of, e.g, phononic media: it is a well-known and National Science Foundation
frequently exploited fact that pre-stress and large deformation
of hyperelastic materials modifies the linear elastic wave speed Abstract: Dr. Brigid Mullany will provide insights on the
in the deformed medium. In the context of periodic materials, challenges of fabricating and finishing freeform surfaces.
this renders materials whose dynamic properties are “tunable” Specifics will focus on a novel fiber-based tool capable of
under pre-stress and, in particular, this permits tunable band eliminating tool path marks from earlier process steps in the
gaps in periodic media. However, the invariant hyperelastic fabrication of optical quality components. She will also provide
materials described above can be employed in order to design insights on how common statistical metrics can be used
a class of phononic media whose band gaps are invariant to to provide spatial information regarding surface texture,
deformation. Finally, we describe the accommodation of and defect detection. Based on her time as a program director