Page 41 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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The presentation will describe relevant modeling, analysis,                    Rosetta-Philae spacecraft landing three billion miles away
design, and experimental results.                                              from Earth to the daily commute of a hybrid electric automobile,
                                                                               the battery management system (BMS) has been critical for
Acknowledgments: This work is currently supported by the                       merging the multi-physics models and data science necessary
NSF. It is carried out in close collaboration with groups led by               for the high efficiency, longevity, and safety of battery electric
Mark Dykman at Michigan State University, Daniel López at                      vehicles.
Argonne National Labs, Oriel Shoshoni at Ben Gurion
University, Tom Kenny at Stanford University, and Kimberly                     The BMS is the brain of the battery system and is responsible
Foster at Tulane University.                                                   for State of Charge (SOC), State of Health (SOH) and State of
                                                                               Power (SOP) estimation while protecting the cell by limiting
Bio: Steve Shaw is Harris Professor in the Department of                       its power. The BMS relies on accurate prediction of complex
Mechanical and Civil Engineering at Florida Institute of                       electrochemical, thermal and mechanical phenomena.
Technology, Melbourne, Florida, USA. He is also University                     This raises the question of model and parameter accuracy.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of                          Moreover, if the cells are aging, which parameters should we
Mechanical Engineering and Adjunct Professor of Physics and                    adapt after leveraging limited sensor information from the
Astronomy at Michigan State University. He received an A.B. in                 measured terminal voltage and sparse surface temperatures?
Physics and an M.S.E. in Applied Mechanics from the                            With such a frugal sensor set, what is the optimal sensor
University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied                  placement? To this end, control techniques and novel sensors
Mechanics from Cornell University. His research interests focus                that measure the cell swelling during lithium intercalation and
on the understanding and utilization of nonlinear dynamic                      thermal expansion will be presented. We will conclude by
behavior in engineering systems. Current applications include                  highlighting the fundamental in predicting local hot spots,
the interplay of nonlinearity and noise in micro/nano-scale                    detecting internal shorts, and managing the overwhelming
resonators and the development of torsional vibration                          energy released during a thermal runaway.
absorbers for automotive drive-train components. Dr. Shaw
has held visiting appointments at Cornell University; University               Bio: Anna Stefanopoulou is the William Clay Ford Professor
of Michigan; Caltech; University of Minnesota; University of                   of Technology, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and the
California. Santa Barbara; and McGill University. He is a Fellow               Director of the Energy Institute at the University of Michigan.
of ASME and serves as an Associate Editor for the SIAM                         Her training is in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. He is recipient of the                   (91 Diploma NTUA, Athens) and in Electrical Engineering
Henry Ford Customer Satisfaction Award, the ASME Henry                         (94 MS, 96 PhD, UMICH, Ann Arbor). She was an assistant
Hess Award, the SAE Arch T. Colwell Merit Award, the ASME                      professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara and
N. O. Myklestad Award, and the ASME Thomas K. Caughey                          a technical specialist at Ford Motor Company.
Dynamics Award.
                                                                               She has been recognized as a Fellow of three different
Track 6: Energy                                                                societies; the ASME (2008), IEEE (2009), and SAE (2018).
                                                                               She is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the
6-19-1: ENERGY                                                                 ASME Dynamics Systems and Control Division (DSCD) and
                   Monday, November 11, 9:45AM–10:30AM                         the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society,
                                                                   Room 255F,  and the Founding Chair of the ASME DSCD Energy Systems
                                                                               Technical Committee.
      Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
                                                                               Her innovation in powertrain control technology has been
Battery State Estimation: A Critical Technology Where Data                     recognized by multiple awards such as the 2019 AACC Control
and Models Merge Principles From Mechanics, Thermal,                           Engineering Practice Award, the 2017 IEEE Control System
Electrical, and Chemical Engineering Disciplines Merge                         Technology award, the 2012 College of Engineering Research
(IMECE2019-13997)                                                              Award, the 2009 ASME Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award, a
                                                                               2008 Univ. of Michigan Faculty Recognition award, the 2005
                      Anna Stefanopoulou                                       Outstanding Young Investigator by the ASME DSC division,
                      University of Michigan                                   a 2005 Henry Russel award, a 2002 Ralph Teetor SAE
                                                                               educational award, a 1997 NSF CAREER award and selected
Abstract: Battery state estimation is a critical technology for the            as one of the 2002 world’s most promising innovators from
management and safety of lithium. Nearly three decades after                   the MIT Technology Review. She was a member of the
the commercialization of lithium-ion batteries and during the                  2016 National Research Council (NRC) committee on fuel
year when the Noble Prize in Chemistry was awarded to the                      efficient technologies and their cost effectiveness in meeting
inventors of their lightweight and rechargeable electrodes, state              the 2025 US national vehicle fuel economy standards. She is
estimation is a critical technology for their safe adoption in                 working now with an NRC committee on the US light duty
handheld consumer electronics and electric vehicles. Managing                  vehicle fuel economy standards “beyond-2025”.
the potent brew of lithium ions in the large quantities necessary
for vehicle propulsion is anything but straightforward. From the               Her work has been documented in a book, 21 US patents,             xxxix
                                                                               340 publications (8 of which have received awards) on
                                                                               estimation and control of internal combustion engines and
                                                                               electrochemical processes such as fuel cells and batteries.
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