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Track 10: Advanced Materials: Design,                                             receiving her Ph.D. degree in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
     Processing, Characterization and                                                  at Cornell University in 1997, she began a postdoctoral
     Applications                                                                      appointment as a J.R. Oppenheimer Fellow at Los Alamos
                                                                                       National Laboratory, where she remained on the scientific staff
       10-31-2: ADVANCED MATERIALS: DESIGN,                                            in the Theoretical Division, until 2016. She has published one
       PROCESSING, CHARACTERIZATION AND                                                book, nine book chapters, and more than 290 peer-reviewed
       APPLICATIONS                                                                    articles in the field of structural composites, materials
                                                                                       processing, multiscale modeling of microstructure/property
                     Wednesday, November 13, 9:45AM–10:30AM                            relationships, deformation mechanisms, and polycrystalline
                                                                           Room 155F,  plasticity. She is an editor for Acta Materialia and Scripta
                                                                                       Materialia and an associate editor for Modelling and Simulation
              Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center                          in Materials Science and Engineering. In recent years, she has
                                                                                       been awarded the Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellow’s
       Material and Microstructural Features That Prompt                               Prize for Research (2012), the International Plasticity
       Sub-Crystalline Localization in Polycrystalline High-                           Young Researcher Award (2013), the TMS Distinguished
       Performance Alloys                                                              Scientist/Engineering Award (2018), and the Brimacombe
       (IMECE2019-14005)                                                               Metal (2019).

                              Irene J. Beyerlein                                       Track 11: Mechanics of Solids, Structures
                             University of California, Santa Barbara                   and Fluids

       Abstract: Improved prediction of the behavior of materials                      11-49-1: MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, STRUCTURES
       under the complex loading conditions encountered in structural                  AND FLUIDS
       components is critical to ensure reliable, long-term performance
       and to guide the design of new materials along high controlled                                     Monday, November 11, 9:45AM–10:30AM
       processing paths. However, a major challenge for structural                                                                                       Room 255B,
       materials is the strong dependence of the intrinsic plastic
       deformation processes on material structure, with important                           Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
       features at the nanoscale, microscale, and mm-scale in most
       classes of metallic materials. Deformation processes are                        Getting Stuck and Breaking Free: Adhesion, Friction,
       typically highly heterogeneous, propagating through complex                     Strength, and Toughness
       microstructure-dominated networks, ultimately resulting in                      (IMECE2019-14006)
       local damage and failure of the part. Cyclic and monotonic
       loading are performed on a number of high-performance alloys,                                         Kaushik Bhattacharya
       such as high strength titanium aerospace alloy and Ni-based                                           California Institute of Technology
       superalloys. Using a combination of in situ deformation
       DIC and synchrotron measurements, 3D microstructural                            Abstract: Many phenomena of scientific and technological
       characterization, and 3D crystal plasticity based computational                 interest are described by the evolution of free boundaries or
       modeling, we investigate the micromechanical and                                free discontinuities. Examples include the peel front while
       microstructural factors leading to strain localization and                      peeling an adhesive tape, the rupture front of earthquakes,
       subsequent slip band initiation. This suite of techniques                       dislocations in solids, and the crack set during fracture. This
       altogether enables full-field measurement and modeling of the                    evolution takes place in a heterogeneous medium where the
       plastic and elastic field at the surface and in the bulk of the                  length scale of the heterogeneities are much smaller than the
       specimen. The analysis focuses on the coupled role of elastic                   length scale of interest. In such situations, it is natural to seek
       anisotropy, grain neighborhoods, and grain shape and size in                    the overall or effective behavior at the scale of interest. This
       determining the location of the exceptionally preferred points                  effective behavior is not characterized by averaging, but
       of high elastic strain concentration and localized slip, when the               instead dominated by critical events. Thus, the effective
       applied strain is under but near the macroscopic elastic-plastic                behavior can be qualitatively different from the local behavior.
       transition. We find that the very few localized slip bands are                   This makes such problems difficult to study, but also offers
       correlated with the development of only the highest elastic                     opportunities for exploiting heterogeneities to dramatically
       strain concentrations. Strain localization is specifically favored               material properties. This talk will discuss the underlying issues
       in crystals that have an outstandingly compliant orientation                    with examples drawn from fracture, friction, dislocation
       relative to all its neighbors and a non-equiaxed shape with                     dynamics, phase boundary propagation, and peeling of
       sharp corners. These results explain that the presence of                       adhesive tape.
       annealing twins in the microstructure significantly increases
       the probability of localization.                                                Bio: Kaushik Bhattacharya is Howell N. Tyson, Sr., Professor of
                                                                                       Mechanics and Professor of Materials Science as well. He
xliv Bio: Irene J. Beyerlein is a professor at the University of                       received his B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of
       California, Santa Barbara with a joint appointment in the                       Technology, Madras, India in 1986, his Ph.D. from the
       Mechanical Engineering and Materials Departments. After                         University of Minnesota in 1991, and his post-doctoral training
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