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ALA Achievement Award, Samueli Outstanding Teacher Award                      Risk Analysis, ASME, and SNAME. He completed projects for
(UCLA), and Ho-Am Prize in Engineering. Professor Kim                         governmental and private entities, such as the National
has served on numerous professional and governmental                          Science Foundation, Department of Defence, Hartford,
committees and panels in MEMS and nanotechnology,                             Chevron, Bechtel, etc. Dr. Ayyub is the recipient of several
including General Chair of the 2014 IEEE International                        awards and research prizes from ASCE, ASNE, ASME, ENR,
Conference on MEMS. An ASME Fellow, he is currently serving                   the Department of the Army, etc. He has authored and
as Senior Editor of the IEEE Journal of MEMS and on the                       co-authored more than 650 publications, including eight
Editorial Advisory Board for IEEJ Transactions on Electrical                  textbooks and more than 15 edited books. He is also the
and Electronic Engineering. He has also been active as a                      founding Editor-in-Chief of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk
scientific advisor, consultant, and founder of start-up                        and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems. His most recent
companies.                                                                    2018 edited book on Climate-Resilient Infrastructure, published
                                                                              by ASCE, was selected as an Engineering-News Record
Track 13: Safety Engineering, Risk and                                        Newsmaker in 2017.
Reliability Analysis
                                                                              Track 14: Design, Systems and Complexity
RELIABILITY ANALYSIS                                                          14-6-1: DESIGN, SYSTEMS AND COMPLEXITY
                                                                                           Wednesday, November 13, 9:45AM–10:30AM
             Wednesday, November 13, 9:45AM–10:30AM                                                                                              Room 255F,
                                                                  Room 255C,
                                                                                    Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
      Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
                                                                              Design for Additive Manufacturing: Opportunities and
Drag Reduction of Watercraft: Microfluidics Applied to                         Challenges
Macroscale Objects                                                            (IMECE2019-14011)
                                                                              David Rosen
                      Bilal Ayyub                                             Singapore University of Technology & Design
                      University of Maryland, College Park                    and Georgia Institute of Technology

Abstract: The concept of resilience is applicable to systems                  Abstract: Broadly speaking, the idea of design for additive                    xlvii
with anticipated performances and subject to disturbances.                    manufacturing (DFAM) is to explore new design spaces
Understanding and quantifying resilience enable societies                     to take advantage of the unique capabilities of AM processes.
to use resources efficiently for enhancing or maintaining the                  With tremendous design freedom available, resulting device
performance of systems such as infrastructure. For example,                   designs can be complex geometrically, with complex material
natural disasters as disturbances resulted in worldwide direct                and property distributions, that perform multiple functions.
damages of US$366 billion and 29,782 fatalities in 2011 alone.                At the same time, AM processes perform millions of
Storms and floods accounted for up to 70% of the 302 natural                   operations to fabricate a part. Is it any wonder that parts
disasters worldwide, with earthquakes producing the greatest                  exhibit more variability than in conventional manufacturing
number of fatalities. Managing these risks and others rationally              processes? In this talk, I explore the opportunities and
requires an appropriate definition of resilience and associated                challenges surrounding these issues of DFAM. Regarding
metrics. This presentation provides a resilience definition that               opportunities, I highlight two directions. First, I present
meets a set of requirements with clear relationships to reliability           the idea of simultaneous design of a part, its material, and
and risk as key relevant metrics. Such metrics provide a sound                its manufacturing process since these are intimately linked
basis for the development of effective decision- and policy-                  in additive manufacturing. The fundamental need is
making methods for multihazard environments for various                       to integrate materials information, specifically process-
system types, including lifeline, environmental, financial, etc.,              structure-property relationships, in order to determine
systems. The presentation also examines recovery, with its                    if desired spatial distributions of properties are feasible
classifications based on level, spatial, and temporal                          given a material and a manufacturing process. Second,
considerations. The economics of resilience is briefly                         I highlight the need for methods of robust and reliability
discussed.                                                                    design to address process variabilities and enable part
                                                                              qualification. Regarding challenges, several topics are
Bio: DrBilal Ayyub is a University of Maryland Professor of                   addressed, starting with the rapid changes in the AM industry.
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor of Reliability                 Additionally, a core attribute of AM processes is that both the
Engineering, and Professor of Applied Mathematics and                         part geometry and part material is fabricated simultaneously,
Scientific Computation. Dr. Ayyub’s main research interests are                in contrast to conventional manufacturing processes, which
risk, resilience, uncertainty, decisions, and systems applied to              is the source of many challenges. The talk concludes with an
civil, mechanical, infrastructure, energy, defence, and maritime              overview of commercial software offerings to support DFAM,
fields. Dr. Ayyub is a distinguished member of ASCE, and a                     as well as standardization efforts that offer guidance to
fellow of the Structural Engineering Institute, the Society for               designers.
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