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at the Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences during                     knee such as ours may one day be used to guide clinical
1991–1993. He joined Caltech in 1993. He has held visiting                    practice to intervene to prevent an ACL injury or to determine
positions at Cornell University (1988), Heriot-Watt University in             the best course of action to repair an injury.
Scotland (1992), Max-Planck-Institute at Leipzig (1997–1998),
Isaac Newton Institute at the University of Cambridge (1999),                 Bio: Ellen M. Arruda is the Tim Manganello/BorgWarner
Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore (2001), the Jet                      Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering, and the
Propulsion Laboratory (2006), and the University of Cambridge                 Maria Comninou Collegiate Professor of Mechanical
(2008–2009). He has received the Distinguished Alumni Award                   Engineering at the University of Michigan. She also holds
of the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, the Outstanding                courtesy appointments in Biomedical Engineering and in
Achievement Award of the University of Minnesota (2018), the                  Macromolecular Science and Engineering. Professor Arruda
Warner T. Koiter Medal of the American Society of Mechanical                  earned her B.S. degree in Engineering Science (with Honors)
Engineering (2015), Graduate Student Council Teaching and                     and her M.S. degree in Engineering Mechanics from Penn
Mentoring Award at Caltech (2013), Young Investigator Prize                   State, and her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from
from the Society of Engineering Science (2004), the Special                   MIT.
Achievements Award in Applied Mechanics from the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (2004), and the National                      Professor Arruda teaches and conducts research in the areas
Science Foundation Young Investigator Award (1994). He was                    of theoretical and experimental mechanics of macromolecular
Editor of the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids                  materials, including polymers, elastomers, composites, soft
(2004–2015) and currently serves on the Editorial Board of a                  tissues and proteins, and in tissue engineering of soft tissues
number of journals.                                                           and tissue interfaces. Her recent honors and awards include
                                                                              the 2019 Nadai medal from the American Society of
Track 11: Mechanics of Solids, Structures                                     Mechanical Engineers, the 2018 Rice medal from the Society
and Fluids                                                                    of Engineering Science, the 2015 Outstanding Engineering
                                                                              Alumnus Award from the Pennsylvania State University, the
11-49-2: MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, STRUCTURES                                      2014 Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award from the
AND FLUIDS                                                                    University of Michigan, the Ann Arbor Spark Best of Boot
                                                                              Camp award 2012, and the 2012 Excellence in Research
                   Tuesday, November 12, 9:45AM–10:30AM                       Award by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports
                                                                  Room 355B,  Medicine. Professor Arruda has more than 100 papers in
                                                                              scientific journals. She also holds 11 patents. Her H-index is
      Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center                         32 (ISI). Professor Arruda is a Fellow of the American Society of
                                                                              Mechanical Engineers, the American Academy of Mechanics,
Getting Stuck and Breaking Free: Adhesion, Friction,                          and the Society of Engineering Science. She is a member of
Strength, and Toughness                                                       the National Academy of Engineering (class of 2017). She is
(IMECE2019-14006)                                                             currently President of the American Academy of Mechanics.

                      Ellen Arruda                                            Track 12: Micro- and Nano-Systems
                      University of Michigan                                  Engineering and Packaging

Abstract: The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, of the knee                 12-2-1: MICRO- AND NANO-SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
is a soft tissue structure comprised of two main bundles of                   AND PACKAGING
hierarchical collagenous structures. As with all soft tissue, the
ACL is extremely difficult to mechanically test, and determining                              Wednesday, November 13, 8:45AM–9:30AM
its nonlinear, anisotropic mechanical response has remained                                                                                     Room 255B,
elusive. Yet, obtaining the mechanical properties of the
ACL is exceedingly clinically relevant to the design of better                      Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
replacement grafts for torn ACLs or to prevent ACL tears
in the first place. This talk will focus on our recent efforts to              Taking Microfluidics From Research Ideas to a Real
characterize the ACL response utilizing full-field displacement                Product
measurement techniques that offer more accurate, repeatable,                  (IMECE2019-14008)
and comprehensive experimental data than traditional testing
methods. We have pioneered full-volume characterization                                             Bruce K. Gale
techniques that provide much needed insight into the                                                University of Utah
inaccuracies associated with many current experimental
protocols and also the shortcomings of some popular                           Abstract: Microfluidics have promised to revolutionize medicine                xlv
constitutive models in capturing the full 3D response of the                  and biology for decades now, but the promise has been slow
ACL. I will describe how we use these data to develop an ACL                  to be realized. Many applications of microfluidics are now
constitutive model for implementation into computational                      having an impact. This presentation will focus on a few
models of the knee during regular gait and under impact                       technologies and how they have transitioned (or begun to
loading simulations. Accurate computational models of the                     transition) from the research lab to commercialization. The talk
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