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Track 6: Energy                                                                to the proposal of collector designs that can deliver useful
                                                                                   heat at a high temperature while not sacrificing the electricity
     6-19-2: ENERGY                                                                output. In this talk, we will present conventional and such
                        Tuesday, November 12, 9:45AM–10:30AM                       advanced PV-T collector designs, their underpinning principles,
                                                                       Room 255B,  discuss the challenges and opportunities of further developing
                                                                                   this technology, and of integrating it within wider solar-energy
            Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center                        systems capable of the affordable provision of cooling, heating
                                                                                   and power.
     Solar Combined Heating, Cooling, and Power Systems
     Based on Hybrid PV-Thermal Technology                                         Bio: Christos Markides is Professor of Clean Energy
     (IMECE2019-13998)                                                             Technologies, Head of the Clean Energy Processes (CEP)
                                                                                   Laboratory and leads the Experimental Multiphase Flow (EMF)
                            Christos Markides                                      Laboratory, which is the largest experimental space of its
                           Imperial College London                                 kind at Imperial College London. He specializes in applied
                                                                                   thermodynamics, fluid flow, and heat/mass transfer processes
     Abstract: By 2050, solar technologies are projected to deliver                as applied to high-performance devices, technologies, and
     the majority of the world’s electricity. Although solar energy                systems for thermal-energy recovery, utilization, conversion,
     can be used to provide both heat and electrical power, most                   or storage. His research interests include heating, cooling,
     solar panels are designed for only one of these purposes. In                  and power, and in particular, solar energy and waste heat in
     particular, photovoltaic (PV) panels are typically less than 20%              heat-intensive industrial applications. He is Editor-in-Chief of
     efficient in delivering electricity from the sun’s incident energy.            Elsevier journal Applied Thermal Engineering, Member of the
     At the same time, it is well known that PV cells experience                   Scientific Panel of the ASME ORC Power Systems Committee,
     a deterioration in performance (efficiency) when they are                      the Scientific Panel of the Knowledge Centre – Organic
     operated at higher temperatures, and that this leads to high                  Rankine Cycle (KCORC), the Scientific Committee of the UK
     losses especially when the solar resource is at its highest.                  Energy Storage SUPERGEN Hub, and the UK National Heat
     For example, a drop in PV cell efficiency of up to 20% can be                  Transfer Committee.
     expected when the PV cells reach operating temperatures of
     ~60–70°C, which is easily experienced in hot climates.                        Track 7: Engineering Education

     This performance loss has motivated the development of                        7-13-1: ENGINEERING EDUCATION
     so-called hybrid PV-thermal (PV-T) solar collector technology,                                   Monday, November 11, 9:45AM–10:30AM
     which combines PV modules with a contacting fluid (gas or                                                                                         Room 155F,
     liquid) flow in various different geometries and configurations.
     Here, the fluid is used to cool the PV cells and, therefore, to                      Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
     increase their electrical efficiency, while delivering a potentially
     useful thermal output (hot fluid stream) from the collector,                   Solar Combined Heating, Cooling, and Power Systems
     which offers some advantages when space is at a premium                       Based on Hybrid PV-Thermal Technology
     and there is demand for both heat and power. PV-T collectors                  (IMECE2019-13998)
     have been shown to be a highly efficient technology, capable
     of achieving system efficiencies (electrical plus thermal) in                                        Anabela C. Alves
     excess of 70%.                                                                                      University of Minho University

     By far, the most common use of the thermal-energy output                      Abstract: Academic and professional worlds are kept apart
     from PV-T systems (in fact, most solar-thermal collector                      from working together by an invisible barrier. Nevertheless,
     technologies) is to provide hot water at 50–60°C for                          the academia is preparing the future professionals and to
     households or commercial use. However, a wide range of                        achieve this preparation, a tuning between professional
     opportunities arise at higher temperatures when additional                    needs and academic teaching is critical. Though the academia
     power-generation cycles (e.g., with organic Rankine cycles,                   has an important role in forecasting the future needs, the
     thermoelectric generators, amongst other) or thermally-driven                 professionals, many times, are in better conditions to forecast
     cooling technologies (e.g., with desiccant, ad/absorption                     due to their proximity to the market and its needs. So a joint
     refrigeration cycles, amongst other) can be integrated with                   work must be done between these two worlds. Lean Education
     solar (including PV-T) collectors into wider multi/polygeneration             derives from a methodology that emerged in the industry, and
     systems. These additional options become viable at                            nowadays is spread to all industries and services, including
     temperatures typically above ~80°C, and importantly, become                   the education services, not only as a way to improve these
     increasingly efficient at progressively higher temperatures. In                services but, more importantly, as a pedagogical platform to
     standard PV-T collector designs, however, the electrical and                  innovate the learners’ curricula and better prepare them for
xl thermal outputs are traded-off each other, since any effort to                  the professional world. Lean education allows development
     collect additional thermal energy or to increase the temperature              of competencies such as systems thinking, critical analysis,
     of that energy leads to an electrical loss. This has led recently
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